Greene County, Missouri (MO) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference (2024)

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Greene County, Missouri

Last Updated: July 11, 2024, 23:42 pm UTC

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Greene County, Missouri (MO) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference (1)

Entity Entity Type
Greene County Trunked Systems (16)Trunked
Greene County Amateur RadioAmateur Radio
Greene CountyCategory
EMS Agencies and HospitalsCategory
Municipalities and DistrictsCategory
Schools and CollegesCategory
Federal GovernmentCategory
Businesses, Media, Attractions and RecreationBusiness Group
Springfield-Branson Regional Airport (SGF)Aircraft / Airport

Category Report


Greene County

911 / Sheriff

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Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase I
All Public Safety, City Utilities, Public Works, Streets and Highway Dept. use MoSWIN Zone 4
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
860.7125WPKP318MGreene Shrf Tac1Sheriff: Talk-Around [TAC-1]FMNLaw Tac
859.9625WPKP318MGreene Shrf Tac2Sheriff: Talk-Around [TAC-2]FMNLaw Tac
460.250WQKR246RMGreene Juv ERCJuvenile: Evening Reporting CenterFMNCorrections
154.400KAB462BM151.4 PLGreene Fire/EMSFire/EMS: Countywide Dispatch (Patched to MOSWIN Zone 4 TGs: 40126 & 40751FMNFire Dispatch
860.9625WPKP318RMGreene Fire T/A1Fire: Talk-Around 1FMNFire-Tac
860.4375WPKP318MGreene Fire T/A2Fire: Talk-Around 2FMNFire-Tac

EMS Agencies and Hospitals

CoxHealth: Hospital / EMS

Please see the wiki for additional information

Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase I
Cox Medical Center uses talkgroup 26903 for operations, after being dispatched on VHF below.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.375WQVD937RMCC 9
TG 201
SL 1
CoxNH Sec NNorth - SecurityDMRSecurity
452.075WPUT532RMCC 9
TG 202
SL 1
CoxSH Sec S2South - Security (Springfield)DMRSecurity
462.950WNBM832RM127.3 PLCoxSH MaintSouth - Maintenance/HousekeepingFMNBusiness
463.100RM186.2 PLAirCare UHFBackup to VHF and MOSWINFMNEMS Dispatch
159.525WPWQ841BMLECMS PG VData (CSQ Paging?)FMNData
150.935WRDX263RMCox Health EMSEMS: DispatchDMREMS Dispatch
152.9675WQXD633RMCC 6
TG 101
SL 1
Cox EMS GreeneEMS: Dispatch - Greene CountyDMREMS Dispatch
155.205WNLP860BM114.8 PLLECMS RurEMSRural Ambulance Dispatch (Republic)FMNEMS Dispatch
155.340WQIK268BMHEAR 340Patient ReportsFMNHospital
155.265KCR919BM118.8 PLCox AirCareAirCare 1 Disp (Ops on MOSWIN TG 26903)FMNEMS Dispatch
Mercy Hospital (Springfield)

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(FormerSt. John's EMS / Regional Health Center)

Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase I
Mercy EMS Greene County uses MoSWIN Zone 4
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.275WQVY897RMCC 1
TG 1100
SL 1
Mercy S SecSecurity (Linked to 452.85)DMRSecurity
452.850WQVY897RMCC 1
TG 1100
SL 1
Mercy Security 1Security (Linked to 452.275)DMRSecurity
463.250KNCJ355RM179.9 PLMercy Security 2Security [Expired 1/22]FMNSecurity
464.975WNQA866RMMercy Maint 1MaintenanceFMNBusiness
461.725WNQA866RMMercy Maint 2Maintenance FMNBusiness
463.325WNQA866RMMercy Maint 3Maintenance FMNBusiness
451.1125WQWU333RMMercy Surgical 1Surgical Suite OpsDMRBusiness
154.515KB24808MMercy BioEngBiomedical Engineering [Expired 5/23]FMNBusiness
453.4875WRFJ229RM073 DPLLifeline ALifeline Helicopter: EMS DispatchFMNEMS Dispatch
453.4875WRFJ229RM226 DPLMercy EMS HeloMercy EMS - Helicopter Ops (Old?)FMNEMS Dispatch
155.235WZX647BM151.4 PLMercy EMS AltEMS: Private / Aircraft Operations FMNEMS Dispatch
462.925KNCB445BMercy Paging 1RHC: Paging (CSQ)TelmData
159.120WZX647BM151.4 PLMercy TransportMercy Outpatient TransportFMNTransportation

Municipalities and Districts

Fair Grove

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Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase I
Police and Fire use MoSWIN Zone 4
Logan-Rogersville Fire Protection District

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Protecting Greene, Webster, and Christian Counties.

Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase I
Logan-Rogersville Fire Protection District uses MoSWIN Zone 4
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.250KNAF258RML-R Fire 1FireFMNFire Dispatch
154.235KNAF258RML-R FiregroundFiregroundFMNFire-Tac

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See the WIKI page for additional information (UC Tower Site video, Frequencies, Websites, etc)

Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase I
All Public Safety, City Utilities, Public Works, Streets and Highway Dept. use MoSWIN Zone 4
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
860.7625WPKP318MSpfld PD Tac-1Police: Talk-Around [TAC-1]FMNLaw Tac
860.2125WPKP318MSpfld PD Tac-2Police: Talk-Around [TAC-2]FMNLaw Tac
154.860KAB462F103.5 PLSpfld SirenDataVOutdoor Warning Siren Data (MSK)FMNEmergency Ops
451.225KF7149F293 NACSpfld SirenDataUOutdoor Warning Siren Data (MSK)P25Emergency Ops
451.150WQHD584RMSfpld Util BUtilities: Power Plant Ops/MaintenanceFMNUtilities
452.325WQLU904FSpfld UtilD1Utility Data (also WQLU905)TelmData

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Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase I
Police and Fire use MoSWIN Zone 4
Walnut Grove

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Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase I
Police and Fire use MoSWIN Zone 4
West Republic Township

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Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase I
West Republic Fire Protection District uses MoSWIN Zone 4

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Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase I
Police and Fire use MoSWIN Zone 4
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.980KSS835BMWill PolicePoliceFMNLaw Dispatch
154.445WPIS455RMWill Fire 1Fire:FMNFire Dispatch
155.385WPIS455RMWill Fire 2WFPD Fire:FMNFire Dispatch
458.1375WPIS455MWill Fire MXWFPD Fire: Mobile Extenders ?FMNFire-Tac

Schools and Colleges

Ash Grove School District R4

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FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.175WNUE993RMAGSDR4 AGrvOperations (Ash Grove)FMNSchools
464.325WNUE993BMAGSDR4 BDArcOperations (Bois D Arc)FMNSchools
Logan-Rogersville R8 School District

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FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.900WNWS838RMLRR8SD Ops1OperationsFMNSchools
451.3375WNWS838RMLRR8SD Ops2OperationsFMNSchools
451.7625WNWS838RMLRR8SD Ops3OperationsFMNSchools
Republic School District R3

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FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.725WNND338RMCC 1
TG 4
SL 1
Republic SchBusABusesDMRSchools
461.8125WPNQ947RMCC 1
TG 4
SL 1
Republic SchBusBBusesDMRSchools
461.350WNND338RMRepMid/HS 1Middle/High School (Phone Patch)FMNSchools
464.8125WNND338RMRepMid/HS 2Middle/High School FMNSchools
464.7125WNND338MRepMid/HS 3Middle/High School FMNSchools
464.8375WNND338RMRep PriceSchPrice ElementaryFMNSchools
464.500WNND338MRep Sch S/WOperations - Statewide EventsFMNSchools
Springfield Public Schools R12 (SPS)

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8/23 - Buses now using a DMR Cap+ system. Heard 857.7375 as site 1, LCN1, talkgroup 24. More info coming soon.

Springfield MO Public Schools (DMR)
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Multi Site (TRBO)
Admin, School Ops (as of 9/21)
Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase I
Springfield Public Schools Police use talkgroups 40325, 40326 on MoSWIN Zone 4.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
858.2625WQYC313RM141.3 PLSpfld School BusBusesFMNSchools
461.850WQEM377RM151.4 PLSpfld School OpsOperations [Expired 3/16]FMNSchools
St Elizabeth Seton School (Springfield)

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Strafford Public Schools R6

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FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.425WNRO734RMStfrd SchoolOperationsFMNSchools
Willard School District

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FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.325WNPZ841RMCC 1
TG 1703696
SL 1
Willard Sch BusBusesDMRSchools
Baptist Bible College (Springfield)

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FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.425WNRS521RM91.5 PLBBC SecuritySecurity FMNSecurity
Central Bible College (Springfield)

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FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.655KNAU607BMCBC Ops 1Operations [Expired 6/14]FMNSchools
151.865KNAU607BMCBC Ops 2Operations [Expired 6/14]FMNSchools
Drury University (Springfield)

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FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.575WQLY474RM131 DPLDrury Univ OpsOperationsFMNSchools
Evangel University (Springfield)

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FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.175WPWM819BMEUniv Ops 1OperationsFMNSchools
463.400WPWM819BMEUniv Ops 2OperationsFMNSchools
464.000WPWM819BMEUniv Ops 3OperationsFMNSchools
Missouri State University (Springfield)

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Missouri State University
Operations (as of 5/18)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.650WQGV451BM254.1 PLMSU Spf PGPhysical Plant: Paging [Expired 4/17]FMNData
463.875WRPA652RM186.2 PLMSU Bear LineMSU Bear Line Buses (Fisk Limos)FMNTransportation
Ozark Technical Community College (Springfield)

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FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.775WPWT271RM3 RANOTCC Ops 1Admin/SecurityNXDN48Security
451.825WPWT271RM10 RANOTCC Ops 2Admin/SecurityNXDN48Security

Federal Government


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Medical Center for Federal Prisoners (MCFP Springfield) P25
Motorola Type II Smartnet
Federal Medical Prisoners for the USA are here
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
168.8875BMUSM SpfldUS Marshal ServiceP25eLaw Dispatch
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Greene County, Missouri (MO) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference (2024)


Greene County, Missouri (MO) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference? ›

Some of the bands you should find out about include the following: 50-MHz, 144-MHz, 440-(430)MHz, and 1.2-GHz. The most popular is the 144-MHz (2-meter) band. That's where you'll find a lot of ham radio operators as well as local public safety calls.

What is the radio frequency for law enforcement in Missouri? ›

Statewide Common
154.695KLS456Law Tac
148.600Law Dispatch
154.905KA5824Law Dispatch
465.4375KA5824Law Dispatch
8 more rows
Jun 21, 2024

What are the most popular scanner frequencies? ›

Some of the bands you should find out about include the following: 50-MHz, 144-MHz, 440-(430)MHz, and 1.2-GHz. The most popular is the 144-MHz (2-meter) band. That's where you'll find a lot of ham radio operators as well as local public safety calls.

What frequency does the Missouri Highway Patrol scan on? ›

The day-to-day operation on this frequency is monitored by the Missouri State Highway Patrol through its communications network. Agencies operating communications equipment on the frequency 155.475 MHz shall cooperate with the state in the utilization of this frequency.

Is it legal to listen to police radio in Missouri? ›

Yes, it is absolutely legal to LISTEN to police and private radio services (private radio services being amateur radio, gmrs etc).

What frequency do most police use? ›

Most police radios operate in the 700 and 800 MHz UHF bands. These provide pretty good range, especially in urban areas. A squad car radio built into a car could easily give range of 10–25 miles under ideal conditions. A handheld usually will do a couple of miles, anywhere between 2 and 5 miles.

Can radio frequencies be traced? ›

How triangulation works is that it measures the direction of radio waves from two to three points to locate the radio signal. The benefit of using triangulation to trace a two way radio transmission is that it only needs to measure the radio transmitters to pinpoint a location.

Is there an app to detect radio frequency? ›

RF Signal Tracker provides detailed information of signal strength. Detect Signal Range by Meter by our free app to track your RF signals. RF Signal Tracker provides detailed information of signal strength. This app can be used while travelling to know on which corner you are getting excellent signal frequency.

What does J3 mean in police code? ›

10-97 - [MISS] Minor detail (J1 = Station-report, J2 = Station-lunch, J3 = Restaurant)

What frequency is tracking radar? ›

Radars for air surveillance and air defense, for example, operate in the VHF band (30 to 300 MHz). Modern air surveillance radars with a long detection range even operate in the frequency range of up to two gigahertz (GHz). The C-band (4 to 8 GHz) is used for weather radar and monitoring the sea surface.

What is the legal radio frequency? ›

LEGAL & ILLEGAL Frequencies 4.9GHz to 5.825

Channels 1-12 are legal in the United States. Channels 13-14 are illegal to use in the United States.

What is the 156.8 MHz frequency? ›

Channel 16 VHF (156.8 MHz) is a marine VHF radio frequency designated as an international distress frequency. Primarily intended for distress, urgency and safety priority calls, the frequency may also carry routine calls used to establish communication before switching to another working channel.

What is the frequency of the siren in the police car? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

If the police car is moving towards you, the frequency you hear will be around 1630 Hz. If the car is moving away from you, the frequency will be around 1570 Hz. A moving siren. The frequency you hear from a moving siren depends on your relative motion to the source.

What frequency is radio Skid Row? ›


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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Views: 6432

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.