Springfield's Crystal Quade wins Democratic primary for Missouri governor (2025)

Claudette RileySpringfield News-Leader

As the packed crowd at Big Momma's on Commercial Street erupted in near-deafening cheers, Crystal Quade rushed over to a large screen.

She'd been leading since the early results and the margin was only widening. The standing-room-only crowd chanted her first name.

"There really are no words for having your community show up for you like this. Every election year, I feel so honored and to be doing this statewide and seeing the results coming in, feels so good," said Quade, who clenched her spot as the Democratic candidate for Missouri governor with just more than half the vote in Tuesday's primary.

"Right now Missourians are looking for something different. They want someone who understands the struggles of regular, working class people and they want someone who, in a very politically divisive environment, can come to the table and find compromise and find ways we can move Missouri forward even when the climate is so hostile right now."

Quade, a state representative who has represented a swatch of Greene County in the Missouri House for eight years, has served as Minority Floor Leader for much of that time, earning a reputation around the state for defending the party's position and helping to elect other progressive candidates.

Surrounded by supporters and her children, Quade said she will be a "fair" governor if elected in November, "someone who really listens to all sides of the conversation and continues to move Missouri forward in a way that helps everybody."

"It is so great to be surrounded by people who have been on this journey with us for a long time," she said. "Thank you — not just for believing in me but for believing in the vision we have for a Missouri where everybody can thrive, have a safe place to live and start their families and their businesses in. I'm just so grateful that folks are resonating with that Missouri that we all deserve."

The Associated Press called the Democratic race for Quade at 9:41 p.m., based on her significant lead in initial results. She ended the night with 50.2% of the Democratic votes cast.

"This race has shown us that the grassroots movement in Missouri is real. This race has shown us that every corner of the state folks are ready for something different," Quade said moments later, after being declared the winner. "Missouri is ready for a governor that puts its people first. We are ready for a governor who gets rid of partisan politics and stops with the in-fighting and the flamethrowers and the disgusting TV ads and helps Missouri's people first."

Quade's biggest challenge was from Springfield businessman Mike Hamra, president and CEO of Hamra Enterprises, who ultimately garnered 31.7% of the vote. His watch party Tuesday was two miles away at Springfield Brewing Company.

Hamra called Quade to congratulate her on being the Democratic nominee for Missouri governor.

“From the very beginning, our campaign has always been about bringing people together and moving Missouri forward. I believe Missouri has an incredibly bright future ahead of us, but we must move beyond the dysfunctional politics in Jefferson City that have held us back from reaching our full potential," Hamra said in a statement late Tuesday.

"This doesn’t end with one campaign or one election: Missouri’s future is on the line in November, and we must all work together to restore abortion rights and make sure Crystal Quade is Missouri’s next governor. Let’s get to work.”

Quade and political newcomer Hamra did not engage in campaign mudslinging.

Of the five candidates in the Democratic primary for governor, Quade and Hamra have been the most active on the campaign trail. They crisscrossed the state to tell their stories, engaged with voters on social media and ran TV ads in and out of southwest Missouri.

Other candidates included Eric Morrison, a pastor and political activist in the Kansas City area, plus Hollis Laster and Sheryl Gladney, who reside in the St. Louis area, in the Democratic primary for the state's top office.

The Democratic gubernatorial primary winner will face the winner of the Republican primary — with nine candidates — and Libertarian Bill Slantz in November.

Quade's work for constituents won support

Quade grew up in rural southwest Missouri and was the first in her family to graduate from high school. She worked her way through college.

A former chapter services director for Care to Learn, she was first elected to the Missouri House in 2016 and was re-elected in 2018, 2020, and 2022.

Jaclyn Brown, a teacher at Springfield's Reed Academy, said Quade's speech after the overturn of Roe v. Wade made her a supporter. "I was really energized by that, revitalized by it."

In 2022, Brown started campaigning for Quade. She praised Quade's support for public schools, especially rural schools where resources are often scarce.

"Her principles have always been 'I'm working for all my constituents, not just the ones who voted for me.' And you really see that reflected in everything she does," Brown said.

Quade's roots in southern Missouri, experience as a social worker and willingness to work across the political aisle were also factors in Brown's support.

"I just love her," said Brown, an educator for 11 years. "She'll be more solution-oriented instead of platform-oriented, which is fantastic."

As Minority Floor Leader, Quade said she built relationships "all over the political spectrum" in Jefferson City and gained valuable insight.

Quade said there are many issues she cares about and will work for but the "absolute No. 1" is to make sure that the government is functioning properly.

Makayla Jordan-Diemler, an educator, said she has lived in Springfield for a long time and has followed Quade's career in politics.

She has been impressed with how well Quade interacts with lawmakers and constituents from both political parties.

"I like Crystal. She is a great person and fun to hang out with and fun to talk to and really intelligent," she said. "She is really kind. She has interacted with her so many times and she always remembers my name, which is really meaningful to me."

Springfield's Crystal Quade wins Democratic primary for Missouri governor (2025)
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