The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post, Western Countries and South Wales Advertiser from Bristol, Bristol, England (2024)

5 THE BRISTOL MERCURY AND WESTERN COUNTIES SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1873, Anti-slavery and Jewish societies', Armenians, Pareeev, e3Co bt tt fiftiUtB. OROVISION TRADE. Ag SHOPMAN, by an experienced TO LET, HAMIL'ON'S PUBLIC ROOMS, for Lectures, Sunday Services, 63, Park-street. 1074 4817 JAR'P of large HOUSE, pleasantly-situated 2i miles from Bridgwatt-r. S.

Knowie, Bridgwater. 2003 TOUSB nnd SHOP stoWs-croft. 15. Ground-floor, Vic-S. torio-atreefc, 50, or Office.

Wilsou, Bridge-Htreut. rfizl2 fORTISHBAD. To be LET or SOLD, VILLASand LAND at Woodhill. Apply Wr. Jones, East-street, Bedminster.

0814 LEAS ANT HOUSES and GARDENS, easy distance of Exchange. 18 to 24. Tucker, Builder, street 2043- 5 0L kino -8 rttBB f. extensive PRKMIsES with IHVELLING-HOUSE. Apply Mr.

Halsall, 4, Somerset-street, Kingsdown. 2034 rO be LHT or SOLD, No. 13 and 14, Albert-villas, Cotham. Rtnt 20 per annum Apply to W. H.

Williams mid Exchange, BristoL 637 'inO he LET, with immediate possession, No, 1, ALBION-I PLACE, MONTPKLIKJt. with Coach house and No. 2 (next dooi), or to Mr. Grove, Willebridge. 2733 TO be LET, with immediate possession, a Double-licensed INN.

Brewing Piiint, near the Greit Western Railway Station, Bristol Apply to Mr. B. Smith, Ship Inn. Cathay 0373 8r HOTWBLL-BOAD. An Oh'-ostabiiahed BUTCHER'S 51, SHOP to he LET anil the PREMISES, immediately -Inquire 15, St Catherine-place, Wtok's-croft-roaii, Bristol.

6784 rO be LET, witli 'nimeiliate possession, an EATING and LODGlNfl-HOU doinct a kooiI trade in the centre of tbeshippii.2. In-counui: 30. Address Bristol Mercury- office. 6850 TO 1)0 LET, immediately, a pleasnutly-bituuted Detnched HOUSE, with iarire Garden. Greenhouse, and stable.

Water and gas laid on. Rent very moderate. Belrnout-fiousa, Coboiirg- roan, nino STEAM SAW MILL-i. To be LET, with immediate possession, the STEAM SAW, MOULDING, and PLANING Oheese-Iaue. St Philip's.

-Apnly Box 23, Post-offlce, Bristol, 008 4761 10 BAKERS. To he LBT, in Temple parish, a HOUSE, No. 2. Cart-lone: also, the adi untnir HOU3K. 32.

Cliurch- flnreob, which contains a Bakeheuso and Oven. Apply at 41. St. Michael's-hill. 0311 TO be LET, with immediate possession, a First-class SHOP, with slaushter-house and n'ns attached.

in the neighbourhood of St. George's, Gloucestershire. Apnly 9, Clarenca-road 0-53 To he Let. with Immediate possession, a flrst- class Double-liceused HOTEL TAVSSRN. Bituate in one of the best parts of Swansea.

For particulars apply to J. M. Leedir, Oxf jrd-chambers, 65t8 be LET, with immediate possession (owing to the death of the Proprietor! the well-known Free Full-Licensed INN, known as the DSJiniVB, BELVEDK11R, BATH. Stoclt-in- Trada nt valuation. Apnly on tho Premises.

Lfi7l4 TO be LBT, near Bristol, a (rood DW with Camenter's and Blacksmith's Shons. where the business hss been carried on for the last 23 years by the present owner, who Mb given up nusiness on account oi lii-neaitn. appiy Piat-office, Rlshport. 1 085' rP0 be LET, immediate possession, a HOUSE and SHOP at Bottom and on East side of Parit-streot. Five Rood rooms and offices 21ft.

frontage. Apply to Messrs. Hughes and Son, Collese-green Messrs. Lewis and Sons, Clifton or Mr. Beding-tteld, Park-street and Broad-strnet, 603 (0 LET, either singly or together, the FIRST and SECOND FLOORS of a LARGE BUILDING directly onnosite the Bristol and Exeter Railway-station, Temple-meads.

Each floor his separate access. Frontage to main street, 68 feet; aren, foet Suitable for offices and faotory or warehouse. Hoist would be fitted if reouired. Apply to Messrs. Brook and Bruce, Albsrt-road, St Philip's.

065J3 TO be LET, and entered upon immediately, COTTAGE, SMITH'S SHOP, nnd CARPENTER'S SHOP, with small GARDEN, unjoining the Turnpike-rond, in the parish of Stnn Boston. There are two railroads in course of construction pass ing within an easy distance. 'J bo occasional use of a steam engine and saw mill could be had on terms Apply to Mr. George Snfro, Ston Kaston, near Bath. 60B8 WEYMOUTH, DORSETSHIRE.

TO GROCKRS AND OTHERS. To be LET. a capital HOUSE and SHOP, with nlnte.fjlitss Front, where the Grocery Business has been carried on successfully for upwards of forty yenrs in one nf thn nest thorougmares in tne (own. Fixtures optional, rent numerate); drained; gas and water Mr. Augusta-place; ot to N.

Howard, Eaat-street, Weymouth, 0392 TO LET, a charming village PUBLIC-HOUSE, delightfully situated near the caDital Market town of The House contains ninB rooms, with prettily-fitted bar, good cellar-nee, beautiful Garden, with Greenhouse, Stabte. an Coach house, doing a first-class trade, takings over 70 per mouth. Rent and taxes very low. Tn-coming for Furniture, Mixtures, and Trade Uiensils, 600. This is a very genuine concern, and well worthy of notice.

Apply for particulars to WM. BARNES, 27, Vnchei-road, Reading, Series. 0740 SATURDA JUNE 28, 1873. RISTOL LUNATIC ASYLUM. FISHPONDS.

Wanted, mnnrn with Uniterm, arease. "Lv. oiTu.oria ADDIV Previous exDoneuuB mi. roiis it net 271S 0 00 NEWPORT AND ST. WOOLOS CEMETERY.

COUNTY OTf MONMOUTH. Wanted at the above Cemetery, a Person to act as SUPERIN-TESnNT and OARI1ENKR (the duties will be particularly srSoifledl and who wiU be required to live in the Lodge; the aooSi forth Situation no? to be more than 35 years of age; to moduce testimonials to character and ability. The wages will he 28s ner week Applications to be sent in to the OBkm of irstow hiirNewport, by the '2 nrt July next add ressed, Sr cover, to the frewpt and St Woolos BuriU Board. MULLOCK. Clerk to the Burial Board.

Zdtn dune, ioj- 12, KUKAlj IMOVn'ix'vvi TRUSTEES. WTLLTAM HY. MILES, Brutol. WILLIAM HY. BU DGETT, Bristol.

WILLIAM E. FltBRE, J.P., Bitton, near Bristol, soiicnons. Messrs STANLEY fc WASBROUGH, Bristol From 60 to 6000 READY to he ADVANCED onMORT-GAGB HEPAYABLB by INSTALMENTS; covering Principal and Interest, and extending over periods of from Five to Four- The Costs of Mortgage Deeds defrayed by the Society. Prospectus and Reoort Post-free on application. AMES W.

YOUNG, aretAteB 4165 HESRY WHITE, Heoretarlea- PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY, 2, ST. STEPHEN-STREET, BRISTOL. Any Amount of MONEY ready to be ADVANCED on MORTGAGES. The Consulting Actuary's Report showed that the Assets exceeded the Liabilities at Slot July, 1871, by 10,305 Os. 8d.

The successful results of Twenty-two seara' Business enable the s-'oclety to offer, amongst others, the following important ALL MORTGAGES OF 300 AND UPWARDS. 1st. Expense of Survey 1 2nd. Expense of Investigation of Title 3rd, Expense of Mortage Deed. I Paid by Society.

The foregoing expenses, wnicu iornieny wero Borrowers, are now def-ayed out of the Funds of the Society. No Increase is made in the usual Rates of Repayment, the Borrower getting the full advantage. JOHN LUCAS, Chairman. 03S5 wo GEO. S.

BRVANT, Secretary. S1 TANDARD PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY, 4. NICHOLAS-STREET, BRISTOL. ESTABLISHED 1805. TUmnam nra nnw nrAnATflrl in make ADVANCES in Sums of 60 to 5000, on Freehold or Leasehold Property, re-pyable by easy Instalments.

ADVANTAGES OFFERED BY THE SOU11STX. 1. The whole of the Amount applied for is Advanoed without any Deduction. 2. Repayments may be made in Amounts to suit the convenience of the Borrower, extending over period of from Five to Fourteen Years.

S. Members may Dispose of their Interest or Redeem their Mortgages at any time on giving Throe Months' Notice. ALL canes the COST OF THE MORTGAGE DKED IS DEFRAYED BY THE SOCIETY without any Addition to the Repayment Subscriptions. Prospectus, Forms of Application, and all information may be obtained at the Offices of the Society, 4, Nicholas-street, Bristol. 1819 5876 QUO.

H. BOVVYEIt, Secretary. I A SOMERSET Thn ntf.nni.lnn of HuildarB and Capitalists is now directed to this picturesque Watering-place, os offering unusual facilities for the development of extensive and remunerative operations. Situated on the South Shore of the Bristol Channel, in the midst of some of the richest and most charming scenery in England, with firm and most extensive nnds for bathing and recreation, and with a mild, yet invigorating, atmosphere, Miuehead offers great attractions, both as a summer and winter resort, to the Tourist and to the Invalid, and, at the same time, in its good and safe Harbour it enjoys great advantages for developing a large Coasting and Welsh Trade. Until now, owing to the want of Xnilway accommodation, there has been little Hold for enterprise but the Minehead Railway, now nearly completed, will cannect the Town directly wiihthe Bristol und Exeter System, and thus place this hitherto but little-known District in easy communication with the centres of trade and population.

Thu waicWVinnrknnri nf Minehead is celebrated as the only place in Kngland where the Red Beer are found and huntod. These noble animals exiBt in a perfectly wild state, and unord most exciting runs aoroas tne open moors ami uo u.r. Luttreli's foxhounds also meet in the immediate vicinity, 'lhe Land at Minehead has been carefully laid out in eligible VUlnt. nnfl ntliav 13 floi.l en C.A lintf Wtth the V16W Of SHOE IU. UHBD meeting the requirements of a rapidly-increasing population. oil IflnJa iihfMiml nnd thfl Krffi- CXUeUeilb OlUIUlUg 1UU. emtio holder is prepared to grant Leases on very advantageous terms For further particulars and to inspect Plans apply to J. P. 81 AUBYN, Lombe building, Temple, London, B.C. or to Messrs, WARDEN and PONSFOKD, Bardon, Taraton, Somerset.

0303 OODS TRAFFIC AT WOODSIDE FERRY. In view of the early completion of the approaches to the River and Landing-stage on the Liverpool side of the Mersey, the Birkenhead Improvement Commissioners' nre desirous of receiving DESIGNS and DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULA RS, with or without Models, for facilitating the Transit of Vehicles, Horses, Cattle, ParcelB, and a'l kinds of Goods Traffic across theliirer Mersey, from and to the LANDiNG-CTAGE at the WOODSIDE FERRY, and from and to the LANDING-STAGE StA ftmFurrfof 200 will be awarded to the first, 100 to the second, and 50 to the third of such Deaigns and Descriptive Particulars aB Bhall be deemed by tho Commissioners, or any engineer Beieoted by them to report thereon, to merit such premiums. The Designs and Descriptive Particulars to which premiums may be awarded shall become the absolute property of tho Commissioners. Particulars and Plans of Site may be obtained by application to the Manager of the Ferry. Captain PINHEY, at Woodside, Birkenhead, on payment of the sum of 21s which will be returned with the unse'ected deaigns Designs and Particulars to be sent under cover directed to The Chairman of the Ferry Committee, Commissioners' Offices, and marked Ferry Traffic," on or before the 30th of September next.

By Order, AMBROSE WALN, Clerk of the Commissioners. Commissioners' Offices, Birkenhead, June, 1873. PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a cause MORGAN against ALFORD. 1873, No. 83, the Creditors of WILLIAM FRANCIS M.UKUAIN, late OI fO.

2, BerKOIUJ-ailUiUO, iu Surgeon, who died in or about the month of December, 1S72, are, on or before the 26th day of uly, 1873, to send by post prepaid to Mr. HENRY CHARLES TRENOHARO (of the Fu-m ot irencnaru una oiaKo, ui luuiium, wj the Solicitors of the Defendants, Thomas Alford and Hem-y Alford. the Executors of the Will of the Deceased, their christian and surnames, addresses, and dosctiptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them; or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said Decree. Every Creditor holding any security is to produce the same before the Vice-chancellor. Sir John Wickens, at bis Chambers, situated No.

12, Old square, Llocoln's-inn, Middlesex, on Tuesday, the 5th day of August, 1S73, at Twelve o'clock at Noon, being the tinie appointea for adjudicating on the Dated this 21st day of June, 1873. 6705j H. F. CHURCH, Chief Clerk. ELI FLOWER, DECEASED, formerly of PENSFORD, in the county of SOMERSET.

The Children of the above-named ELI FLUIVBH are requesiwi io uvmiuuui-cate at once with the undersigned, when they will hear of something to their advantage. Dated 29th May, i3.lliam 59021 Chew Magna, near Bristol. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, DECEASED. Pursuant to 22 and 23 Vic. cap 35, Notice is hereby given, that all Creditors and other persons having any claims against the Estate of WILLIAM WILLIAMS, late of the Old Porter House, Narrow Wine-street, Bristol, deceased (wbo died on the 22ud day of May.

1873, and whose Will was proved on the 17th day of JunB, 1S73, by James Maby, Watts Rose, and Thomas Brook, the Executors therein named, at the District Registry of the Court of Probate at Bristol), are hereby required to send full particulars of their claimB to the undersigned WILLI AM BENSON, Solicitor to the said Executors, on or before the 19th whan f.ha niiid Kxflcutors will nroceed to ad minister the Assets of tho said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Executors snau men nave nau uuuuo. Dated this 20th day of June, 1878 WILLIAM BENSON. Solicitor, n1 39, Broad-street, BristoL Tc-nwara WISHER. nJbiUJSAKJiiw. I IT ts the Act of Parliament, 22nd and 23rd Victoria, chapter 35, intituled "An Act to further Amend the Law rf Property and to Relieve Trustees." Notice is hereby aiven that all creditors and other persons having any claim or oSdiponoriwtiBst the Estate of GHORGB FHHER, lata of in the parish of Almondsbury, in the county of vioman.

aeceased (who died on the 9th (lay of aro hereby required xo souu uinvm.o j- or demands against the saM EBtate to us, at our Offices in ThornburV, onoXfoie the day the said Executors will proceed to dlotnbute the Estate and Assets of the said George Fisher amongst the parties en-UUed thereto, having regard only to the claims nod demands of which they shaU tSn have had notice; and the said Executors ctnti. nH Anatai nn disnooed of. or Will HUG Ut) Wl vuo Jw olktvn a. any part thereof, to any person or petaouo ui aemana tney snau not iceu uare uuww Datea this lotn aay oi juxie, iota. GROSSMAN and LLOYD, Thombury, 0493 Solicitors to the said Executors.

i tries: MORGAN. WS -r. i. nf HuiinTrinnt 5 and 28 Victoria, chapter 86, intituled "An Act to further Amend the Law of Property and to BeUeve Trustees," Notice is hereby given that .11 rinr and other Persons havinR any Claim or Demand m. aoainst the Estate of MARY MORGAN, late of Hor- Norton of 13, King square, in the city of Bristol, Surgeon one kiralm ronnrnd tn send nartlcu- Lsof there Estate to me, at my offices, 24, Clare-street, in the city of Bristol on or before the 16th aay oi Augusj, loio i u.u day the said Executor will proceed to distribute the EBtate and KtB of the said MARY MORGAN amongst the parties entitled thereto! having regard only to the Claims and Demands of which he shall then have had notice; and the saul Exeoutor wUl not beSe to the Estate and Assets so disposed orany part thereof, toany Person orPersons of wheseClaim or Demand Dated ttUBUtn aay o.

WANSEY, 24, Clare-street, Bristol, Solioitor to the said Executor. TT.T.TAM COLLINGS, DECEASED. Pursuant to the Act of Parliament, 22od and 28rd Victoria, cap. 85, ntltuled, An Act to lur uw nt Prnnsrtv. ana xoueuevo jiudo, awwwu v.w"j, ill creditors and other persons bavlDg any claim or demand EUat all crouitvio mvr iVfUl nt niiftnarfllv the BStawoi mu.

r.7 to the parish of Meinsnam, T.TLlw mV'edWARD FK Axbridge in the county of Mr. UDWAKW of September next; after Somerset, to distribute the which day the said Jeootrix wiu of the said answerable or liable for the ABseta or tributed to any person ot wuobb vuum tnen nave naa notice. Dated this 20th day one. Snmerset. 6502 Solicitor to the said Fxecntrix rTfAPT.ISS WTT.T.TAM KRTTT.

DECEASED, March, 1873, and whose Will was proved in the District of He? Majesiy's Court of Probate, at Gloucester, on the 8th day of May, 1873, by Henry Carter and Charles Fisher, both of vnm.n turn nf in Kxeoutors thereof). CllU ceed, wh'c TtiMZWtoto, March, whose in Princinal Registry of her Majesty a oirh dvof Anril. 1873. by OOEAP PRE-PAID ADVERTIsem*nTS IN THE MERCURY and DAILY POST. Word, 18 32 48 One Insertion.

64 la. Od. 1b. 64 Three Insertion. 1b.

04 2a. Od. 3s. 04 Six Insu.rtlflrm. 1b.

64 3b. (ML In. 64 WANTED, a (trong active Lad as Wino-streot. Wesson, 1.080? ATED. a BILLIARD MARKER.

-Apply at the Boot 2716 0097 Hotel, Aberdare. nrTANTED, a LAD, to work under a Coachman. Address Box 318, Post-i flioe. 16788 4 Strong active LD, for the warehouse, about 11 years of A ago. Apply 44, Broad-quay.

2676 SHOE HADE. Wanted, CHOKERS and Hough Stuff Cutters. H. Willis, Worcester. 08! 8 CARPENTERS Wanted.

Apply at Hamilton's Blind Manufactory, 53, Park-street ''S3 1 ANTED, a useful COB. nbon1; 14-2. Full narticnlars to J. Duston, Memlow-streot, BriBtol. 08r 9 Light PORTER Wauled.

Age 15 to 16. Apply to H. W. Sanders, 28, Park-street, Bristol. 6838 10 GROCERS, Wnntsd, Genuine BUSINESS, Somerset or Devon.

Poat-olttco, Taunton. 6817 nrTANTED, a respt otable YOUNG PERSON to astist in the Bar. Apply at the Bell, Gloucester-lane. 6325 'ANTKD, a steady MAN, accustomed to horses Apply at the Mia 1'orter Brewery, nam street. rET NURSE Waited immediately, for baby four months old -Apply 101, Pembtoiie-road, Clifton.

111143 JUNIOR OLEHK Wanted in a Wholesale House, well up in invoicing, Address Invoice, Kristol Daily Post. 2701 nsniNB DRIVER Wanted immediately, Bath Colliery, 1.2655 JOJ Tworton, near Bath. uooq wages given. PPRENTICES Wanted iu a Wholesale House in this city. Address to Businee Bristol Daily Post.

12062 V) CHEMISTS' ASSISTANTS. Wanted, a JUNIOR, immediately. ApplyJIYorath 1HO MILLINERS. Wanted, FIRST HAND for genteel trado. Phillips and Co London-hoiise, Swansea.

03 0 ANTED, good Cloth Trouser and Vent HANDS. Apply toTaylor, 'I'ucker, and Broartmead, BriBtul. 2718 OOT TRADE. Wanted, ROUNDERS and FINISHERS on i Mt-n's and Women's Work. Floolc and Sons, Paulton -27 0 ANTED, at the Turkish Baths, strong active GIRl.aB Buth Attendants.

Apply Monday, Four o'clock. 6SB5 PARTNERSHIP, tend a -Wanted, a PARTNER with 1000, to ex-- Address Bristol Mercury-office, 0778 ANTED to HIRE, a PortaUo STEAM F.NGINE, with reverse Box 161, Bristol 6799 ANTED, for permanency, agood SMITH, Carriage Maker. i-amier, at aterman uarnage ivurgs, uanun. ANTED, a Youth as APPRENTICES to the General Drapery (in-doors). a.

Harris, 146, Kedclilf-atreet, 2741 17 ANTED, APPRENTICE or Improver to Shoeing and General Smithinc Apply, Ferris, Bishop Sutton. 10822 Maggs, S9, Castle, street, has nVuciwicy for a Hand MILLINER. Apply personally. 20 O'Ol flLLINERS. Wanted, experienced Milliner; also, good Second Hand, who can cut mantles.

T. Yorath, SwaiiBea. 2603 6704 ESTIMATE Wanted for Plastering Two Houses. Apply, between 9 and 10, Leicester-house, next St Paul's, Clifton. 2730 kR Brunswick-house, Royal Promenade, has Vacancy for a Youth as APPRENTICE or Improver.

2012 TINMAN. Wanted, handy MAN, with knowledge of Gas-fitting, Also, an APPKENTICK. G. Lee, Grosvenor-road. (0790 ANTED, at Hamilton's Blind Manufactory, 63, Park-street.

Strong YOUTHS, to make themselves generally useful. l-H33 'ANTED, good Cord and Moleskin Trouser ana Vest HANDS. Apply to Taylor, Tuclter, ana uroaomeau, Bristol. 2717 ANTED, CARPENTERS and JOINERS to KEEP Anii irem jonsioi anu iLxeter uunug mo preeeuir Strike. 28U TO BO'KBfNDIiR8.

Wanted, immediato'y, a young Man, os IMPROVER to the Forwarding. Gregory, Bookseller, Bath. 2708 ANTED, a good CELLARMAN, for a small Brewery; references required. Address Brewoiy, Bristol Daily 12709 Post. WANTED, a respectable YOUTH as Apprentice Clerk, Wholesale Draprry.

Good writer. Apply 82, Wine-street. 0840 ANTED, an APPRENTICE to the Working Jewellery Business. Apply to air. s.

sawceu, t. jamess- barten. 6856 INDOOR PORTER. Wanted, a single young Man about 20, able to read and write, with good character. Apply 7 and 8, Uiare-street, Bristol.

0813 ANTED.a Shoelngand Jobbing SMITH, for country work. Constant employment. Married man preferred. Enoch Gait, Farrington Gurney. 0857 i'lST ANTED, an APPRENTICE to the Tinplate Working, Gnsfltting, Bellhanging, Apply Alfred Lee, Irou-monser, Clifton-placa, Ciifton.

0811 ANTED, a YOUTH; good writer and generally nBeful. Wnsros 12s. Apply to co*cking and Booksellers, Bristol-chambers, Nicholas-street 2731 ANTED, to Purchase, a WAREHOUSE in tho City. Must have nearly 600 square yards of ground-floor, and be centrally situated. Address 60 Letter Box, Bristol.

2710 TO SHOEING SMITHS. Wonted, immediately, aflrBt-clnss nnnKHAN: constant enmlovment. G. Holfchani. Veteri nary Surgeon, Gloucester.

2707 'ANTED, two axperiencod BRASS CASTERS, two BRASS FINlSHhJRS. Vacancies for APPRENTICES. -Hale and Sons, Narrow Wine-streot. 6854 Goodopportuuity for a WHEELWRIGHT CARPENTER in llnnntrv villnre house and srnrden. if required.

Address Blacksmith, Priddy, near Wells, Somerset. 0793 TO BUTCHERS. Wonted, two steady, experienced HANDS, rhififlw for nlauchter-houne. Situation permanent Ad dress, with full particulars, 86, Westgate-street, Bath, 2782 HOUSEKEEPER, to take charge and make herself generally useful in a larea House of Business, Apply, stating ex perience, age, and full particulars, to Jones and Wine-street, Bristol. 6867 ANTED, immediately, AGENTS for Jewellery and Fancy Goods.

Sena Miaressea enveiopator pnee usu to jameB SImmonB, Manufacturing Jeweller, 28, Bdgbaaton-street. Bir- miiigoam. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. Wanted immediately, a respectable YOUTH as an Apprentice to the Bookselling and Stationery Business. Address Bailey Library, Krome Selwood.

(0300 Man Wanted, used to the gsneral working of a Jobbing Office. Good wages and permanent situation to a competent hand. Apply Parsons and Son, Great Charles-street, Birmingham. WM MILLINERS. Wanted immediately, a FIRST HAND; hid nf taltinff the Manacement of the Show-room, and a good Saleswoman.

Apply to A. R. Bear, Albion-house, Newport, Mon. 274 PONY PONY CARRI VOE. Wanted to Hire, or Purchase reasonably.

Pony Carriage, Pony, and Harness, tuitable for alady to drive. Apply, with lowest terms in either case, to Bristol Mercury-office. 0800 PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT. Active, intelligent Men can earn 5 weekly In takinr; Orders for our Novelties- something new bought by all. Rare opportunity.

No previous knowledge required. B. P. Bacon and 127, Strand, London. TO JOURNEYMEN TAILORS.

Permanent, Situations, nnnstant emrjlovment throuirhout the year, and good wages, for Four steady Men, as GENERAL HANDS, or Two Coat and Two Vest and Trouser Hands. apply to H. Coombs, Shepton Mallet l86 TTHTANTED immediately, a respectable Married Couple, without encumbrance the man as GARDENER, the wife as DAIRY and LAUNDRY MAID. Both must understand their duties thoroughly, liberal wagOB. Apply to Alpha, Bristol Mercury-office.

186 4466 ANTED, a highly-respectable Person (accustomed to an Vrtr.lV 7 SOISTiNT' HftTTSUTTRWPKR. MllBtbe thoroughly domesticated, and willing to make herself generally useful. Unexceptionable references reqmrea. appiy Hotel, Merthyr Tyavu. OARTNBRSHIP OR OTHERWISE, A Gentleman baring nsnnan.nDT4.1nlltf niwininrl in rlaalrmis of Investing a little Capital in a Manufacturing or any other tonA fide business (centre of the city preferred) in which he could attend to the booka or take any position of Bristol Daily Post TO ESTATE AGENTS, LAND SURVEYORS, and AUCTIONEERS.

A Gentleman whose Articles with an -i nnA nrcii.irnnwn T.nnri Surveyor and Auctioneer in one of the home counties have recently expired, is seeking a PARTNERSHIP in an BfltamiBnea una uvuuvu uw nnorlnn ot in the ProvincBs: or a Senior Clerkship with a viewtoPartoership. Apply, by letter only, to care of Mr. Wilson, Kstate jsxenange, iOKenaouae-yaru, imiuou, B.C. LM82 NBW ZEALAND. -THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND grant FREE PASSAGE8 to DAIRY WOMEN and DOMESTIC 8ERVANTS.

The Emigrants are placed, during the passage, in charge of MatronB, ana on arrival they are maintained, at the Emigration Barracks, until they tmrrniramimtti. Cnmnetent Servants can obtain com fortable situations at good wages. Apply personally or by letter to the Agent-ueneral foriN ew zeiuana, 7, estminsHir-ouauiBere, Victoria-street, London, S.W. London, April 21st, 1873. 4767 MAPPIN AND WEBB'S BRISTOL AGENCY.

Wanted, an AGE NT for the city of Bristol. An established Silversmith preferred, but Mappin and Webb will be glad to meet with any House of Business, in a good Retail Situation, or Private Gentleman, having Capital at command, to Rent good Retail Premises and fit-up the same at his own expense. A large and profitable Business is to be done on Cash Terms, giving the Public all the benefits of buying direct at Sheffield prices. One in thnf. hi can have a succession of all the latest novelties, and exchange them weekly or monthly, without cost, liberal Discounts from their Price ListB, and easy Terms of Payment.i'urtner parocuinrB on oiipuuaviuu Webb, 77, Oxford-street, London.

P.S.-Ab a proof of good faith, it is requested that full Names and Addresses be stated, ANTED, good GENERAL SERVANT, for Downond. Apply 2, t-" ANTED, a GENERAL SHRVANT, also a NURSEMAID. Apply Kicamonu-torrace. (j OOD COOK must bake Church principles. j( wages, reference.

Post-offlce, Stapleton. State age, ANTED a SITUATION as Under Nurse or Under House- mala age iu. ii. ruimmj, pnami. SERVANTS can obtain Good Situations, without charge, on application to Mrs, Barnett, Post-office, North-street.

f6S24 HOUSEMAID in Gentleman's Family six years' good references. l(, i'obc- ornoB, lumoijiu, i ANTED, a respectable Young Woman as GENERAL SEK.VAJV1. APpiy "I parade, Hotwells. l'0Ja tnAngtrinnii PitRSON for General Housework; no one A nbnve work need apply; 12. Character Alex, BriBtol Mercui-y-office.

Wsi MMEDIATBLY, Cooks, Nurses, Parlourmaids, Butlerfl, Married RegUtry, Anguatine's, SrlBtoi. Stamp for reply. r.wwvATJTS Cooks. Nurses, Bntlers, Footmen, Attendants to Jlrs. Morg's Kegistry, rttiHMAf.of fa? Unity-street, College-green, EtlTABLISHED 1772.

ENGAGEMENTS Immediately LadieBmaids, But ers, Foot-men, MenTnd Wivis. Cooks'; HousemaidB, Ac-Institute Nel-son-street, Bristol. INSTITUTION. Comfortnb'e w-kftMMSTrn SERVANTS also look the questions at issue fairly in the face Had the board acted with the promptness and decision which have marked the policy of the Merchant Venturers, the matters in dispute with ord Lyttel--ton and his colleagues would before now have been brought to a satisfactory settlement, tli4 suspense which irritating the staffs of the various achi ols would have been at an end, and the citizera alwayi so long-suffering wonld have begun to reap the adva ntage the reorganised institution. The time has sure ly come for setting aside further pleas for delay urgiMi by tho now discredited procrastinattors.

It will lie sai that the Commiwioners are not oat of their WouUes therefore wait. We submit that on the very grotunc that the hoard in London is still in trouble now ia the time for action. It is mere dreaming to bsliaTO thai the Commission will not be renewed. But there will he a sharp fight, and the CommissieTiers, in their eagen less to show they have accomplished good work, will stee tch many pointe to add the Bristol scheme to th triumphs. The Merchant Venturers have- adroit ly seized tho chance, and made the most of it.

If tl ie Charity Trustees lose tho opportunity, and pwraue- th favourite local game of dawdle until the Conimiasiontm i come re-armed into the battle, the issue may be vcrj different. BRISTOL BOARD OF GUARDIANS; The usual weekly meeting: of this hoard was hold yeaterJ day, Mr. H. lirti 3h, the chairman, nnd tliera. weren also present Mr.

Madden (vice-chairman) Dr. Dow, Messrs. 4 Pitman, J. Randall, Tyler, Blair, Spark, Gibbs, England, Withers, Stephens, Hall, Stodthirfc, Bi39icks, Eihtr. Thomas, Pcarce, Stock, Gibson, and Tricks.

The statistics for the week gave the following results Iru-door paupers, 877 decrease on corresponding week of last year, 21 out-door, 2310 decrease, lSli. Cost of relief, in money, eiSO 2s. 3d. decrease, 0 8a. 7i.

in kind, 29 5a. decrease, .2 Cs. 5d. The chairman, in mentioning- the successful maniicr in which the children's treat 'Ana. passed off on Wednesday, thought the generally were indebted to the deputy governor and committee for the completeness of the arrangements.

Throe of typhoid and three cases of typhus fever-were reported to bo at the hospital at Stapleton. The-next matter for consideration was a form of together with some memorials, agaiusithe Elementary Education Act Amendment Bill of the present Session, aud which were stated to have been received from the Manchester and Chorlton-on-Mcdlock unions and from Sir Mns3cy Lopes, Sir Michael Hicks Beach, asd others. From a copy of the bill itself the chairman read nome of the clauses especially effecting- Boards of Guardians, and offered some explanations as to these sections of the Bill. One of these proposed to repeal Deruson 3 Act, and give power to the--guardians to pay out of the common fund for the education of children of parents that were destitute. Tho Chairman observed that when the School Board came into operation the guardians thought it objectionable that there should he two bodies goiug over the same ground and compelling the children of poor and destitute persons to go to school, and that the School Board should be using the compulsion while the guardians paid the money.

In consequence of a mutual arrangement, however, the School Board had undertaken these duties. It was now proposed to enact that whero relief out of tho workhouse was given to the parent of any child between five and 13, it should be a condition of such relief that elementnry education in reading-, writing-, and arithmetic should, unless there was any reasonable excuse, be provided for such child and that the cruardians should give such further relief, if any, as might be necessary for that purpose. That was to say that, unless in sickness or anything; of that kind, the Boaril of Guardians should not bo empowered to give relief to any cuiiu wnose parents tun not semi tons enna to school. Another section introduced an entirely new feature into the business of Boards of Guardians. One tho conditions of relief was formerly that applicants were to bo destitute, and a person once receiving relief, whether medical, or in money, or any other kind of relief given by the guardians, was constituted a pauper, and deprived of certain privileges for the twelve months within which such relief was given.

But what, was nowproposed was au entirely new feature, and if adopted would, he believed, necessitate entirely new machinery. They would have to undertake to norsnns -who said thev were not able to pay for the education of their children were correctly repre senting their circ*mstances or not, ana inuy woum us, nmifan nWioY-il tn have another staff of officers, as it would he impossible to do this work with their present staff. He believed there would he a very large number of persons who would apply to the hoard for such relief for their children. seemed a difficult task to ascertain whether a person was destitute to that extent, as tneymcreiy came anu sain we cannot afford to pay for the children. In the present mode of working, when they came under the usual requirements such difficulties did not present themselves, but in the case he had described it would bo exceedingly difficult.

Then lie did not see any provision made for tho settlement of persons. At present they did not pay for any persons who were not legally settled in their union but, as proposed, if parties chose to come to Bristol from the country because they thought they could get a better education for their children here, a large number would call upon them to provide this education. He thought some of the old grmrdians would agree with aim mat tney naa quite enougn to do at present, and if they were to take upon themselves tho work of deciding what was the definition of destitute aport from wanting- relief and maintenance, he thought they would be getting into a very wide area and would hardly know where to stop. He feltitwould be prudent, at any rate, to appoint a committee to draw up a form of petition for their approval next week, as the forms of petitions sent to them did not exactly meet their requirements. Ho moved that such a committee should bo appointed, and after a desultory conversation it was carried unanimously.

There was no further business of public interest. Tho Rack savs that Archdeacon Denison has joined the Societv for the Maintenance of the which is placed under the protection of "Our Lady." Upwards of sixteen tons of strawberries are sent off by rail daily from Saltash to Covent-garden, Manchester, and Birmingham markets. Her Majesty's Commissioners for International Exhibitions have appointed Mr. Cole, C.B., as Acting Con-missiouer, at a salary of W0O a year, with a share in the profits of each annual exhibition. Imsn Tolkeatio N.

A Rathfriland, a Presbyterian named M'Crum has been iired at as he was approaching- G-rallagli Meeting-house. Une ot the congregation ran out on hearing the shot, and pursued a man named Lawson, who sought safety by enclosing himself in an empty-house. He was arrested and taken to Newry Bridewell. Tho Archbishop of Canterbury presided at a large meeting held in London on Wednesday night in connexion with the Sunday liest Association. Lord ILbury, Mr.

piorioy, M.r., and others were present. The Sunday closing movement was strongly advocated. Mr. Morley gave MOO to the society. New York Statistics.

The 2Vei I'oi-Jfc Herald of ttis 1st inst. says The police last week arrested 1038 persona. Two thousand three hundred and twenty homeless persons were lodged at the various station-houses during the week. For the week ending yesterday, at noon, there occurred in this city 480 deaths, 337 births, and 48 still births." It is not only Irish tenants who are found to differ widely from their landlords as to the value of the improvements made by them in their holdings. A Mr.

Trye, an English gentleman, holdingunder the Duke of Leinstcr, has sent in olnim miiW the Tvisli Land Act for ii-lOCO for ininrove- ments, to meet which the respondent has paid the sum of il4 10s. into court. A Watery Sermon. A Trowbridge paper relates that rm Simdav last. Mr.

Smith, a local pastrycook, officiated at the Silver-street chapel, in place of the pastor, who was absent. Mr. Smith is a Good Templar, and his sermon was more like a teetotal lecture than what it ought to be. After dose of teetotalism, an auctioneer, Mr. Hinder, rose and respectfully requested Mr.

Smith to give the church a little more Gospel, and not so much of that teetotalism." Mr. Smith then dropped the water argument, and dealt with the spiritual. Tee Naval Review at Spithead. Tho special correspondent of the Morning 1'ost, in describing the visit of the Shah of Persia to Portsmouth and the naval review at Snitliend. on Mondav last, savs The Bovai yachts the Victoria and Albert, the Alberta and the little Elfin had been redecorated for the occasion, and this work, which is due to Messrs.

Atkinson, of the Westminster-road, was executed with excellent taste. In the Irish Court of Queen's Bench on Thursday the case of Larkin u. O'Keeffe was concluded. The jury, at a late hour, returned a verdict for the defendant, with certain points of law reserved. If these points wore decided for the plaintiff they would give a verdict for him with .200 damages.

The action was brought by one of tho inspectors of schools under the National board for assault, the assault consisting the summary ejection by Mr. iveetto oi tne plaintiff from the Callan schoolroom. The New York accounts from New York still fail to encourage the hope of any permanent reform either in political or speculative circles in that State. The effort by which tho respectable merchants of the city contrived to expel the formidable that had flourished for years on the municipal finances could not be permanently maintained, and the prosecution of Mr. William Tweed seems io end in nothing, while all the Wall-3treot roports continue to speak of Jay Gould as an influential operator, and as one who finds leading railway directors willing to join in his transactions.

Tines. A fJfiTlTlon. It may uuromeaioereu mjui, few weeks ago, a petition was presented to the House of Commons, purporting to be signed by "the pupils of a ladies' boarding-school," at Stroud, for the repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts. The Committee on Petitions linvn snpn fit to institute an inouiry into the facts, and have iuflt reported to the House that the petition was not signed by cai :1 Al. l-Kot- ilia heading was inserted by one W.

H. Cornish. of Stroud, after the signatures had been appended to the petition." AMERICAN journalism. xne itev. air.

a weu-lrnnwn Amm-ican clerrrvman. in a sermon on American journalism, preached at Chicago, on the 25th says, I would desire to attvert totneaosenceoi iairness ano courtesy towards antagonists in many of our great journals, when they aro engaged in excited discussion. Scratch the average American journalist, and you find an Indian with club and tomahawk if civility be a sign of civilisation, the press is only varnished over, and is ready st any moment to throw off its mask and brain its antagonist whilst we applaud it just a loudly whether the blows itdealsbe aboveor below the Murderous Attempt by a Lunatic A blacksmith, named Vincent, residing in Park-street, Yeovil, made an attempt on Monday evening last to cut his child's throat. The man became insane through excessive drinking about four yeais ago, but recovered after six weeks' confinement in Wells Asylum. Again taking to his former bad habits, his mental disorder returned about a week since, when he got hold of an old blunt-edged knife, and with that he inflicted two or three scratches on his child's throat before it could be taken awav from him.

Had the knife been sharp, the wounds would no doubt have been fatal but, as it was, they were onlg skin deep. The lunatic was at once removed to thEvADiNoUTHE LICENSING Act. William Greenwood, of Great Harwood, was charged before the. magistrates ab Blackburn, one day last week, with having, Sunday morning, the 1st sold beer his house withont a ficense. llie police visited tho house between two and three o'clock in the morning, and found the defendant and two others drinking.

There was a barrel of beer in the kitchen, and the defendant and hi. witnesses that thej had subscribed for the barrel of beer, having paid 2s. 4rl each, that they might enjoy it at WhitsuntideJ' instead of going-up and down drunk." The bench held that the gum waa proved, and, as this was the first oftence, they fined the Redistribution in Boroughs. Mr. C.

J. Coleman, the barrister appointed by Baron Pollock, under the order-of the Privy Council, for the purpose of determining the boundaries of the now wards of the borough of and apportioning tho number of Councillors theveto, heHa, court on Wednesday. The Town Clerk stated the proceed-. ings which had taken place leading to the order-of the TYivy-Council for the division of the borough into sixteen of thirteen). Mr.

Alderman Hawkos opoosed the scheme, on the ground that it proposed to allocate the, Councillors of the wards in proportion to population, an.5; not with reference to rateable value. Mr. Hawkes's objection was not sustained. Limits of the now wards ro-posed by tho Corporation have been adopted. Eaeh of the sixteen wards will have three Councillors, on retiring annually.

Somerset Quakier Session. The summer sittings of this court will commence with the general business at the Shire-hall, Taunton, next Tuesday, and the criminal trials will be comniencext on the following morning. Tho which is not hestvy, contains tho nr.mes of 29 prisoners George Mutter-, on bail, lead stealing; at Chard Eliaa Rendall, felony at Yeovil Williarri Gully, felony at Yeont Samuel Bond, larceny from the 'person at Ilminster ioai Look, on batt, larceny at East L-dford; George Hayvrocd, on bail, sheep stealing at Exford Charles Montague, larceny irom the person at xnunwii; miaou ceny at Burnham; ilimma uioaK, larceny i Taunton; Charles Swansbury, on bail, hay stealings Fox-, cote Wm. Henry Joyce, or, hail, embezzlement at Weston i cote vvm. neiuy, uujo, v.

rami; n.nJ nnU. sbcen stealme at muborne Port Edward Forward, on bail, sheep stealing at Milborne Port Albert Charlton, on bail, 'indecent assault at Nnnney Wm. Clark, felonies at Buclnhd Dinham and Mells-; James Eacey, felony at Road. James Lumber, felony a'o Shepton Mallet; Wm. Coles, felony at John Henry Wood and Thomas Wood, housebre aking, and Elizabeth Woodwojth, receiving at Shepton Mallet Albert Brown, on ban, jlony at Bruton, and Wm.

Ds.vib and Edgar Dowling, receiving at the same place Jo'an Guppy and Thomas Price, both on bail, lead stealing1 at Wells; John Huish, felony at Uphill Jacob Obern, felcvny at Stratton-on-tuo-Foasa Wm. Young, on bail, timhot; rating at Brook IplUSTOL ROY AI INFIBMAKY. RSB3 to th. MMroa ny monioe hofote 13- OH CONGRESS 0 HUE a i. i.i.i nv watH.

on the 8th 9th, aud 10th of OCTOBER. A last of subject Breaker will shortly be pnWahed. t. V1TYT i(f Will "Oil -OOYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. GREAT PROVINCIAL SHOW, ROYAL VICTORIA-PARK, BATH.

ADDITIONAL COTTAGERS AND ARTISANS' EXHIBITION. CONTINUATION OP AWT) ROSE Sfluvv T.ART T)AY THIS PRESENT S4TUKDAT, CHILDREN (.6788 ADMISSION SIXPENCE t. a vK-RTTPTOY ACT 1869. HE JU -V inTT ifT Of U0UCE3TERSI1IRE, IN THIS ww1' TJoTlTrtT. S52tf abdicated 'a Bankrupt on the 'Ihotfenolproved their Debts by the 9th day of July, 1873.

will be excluded. Dated this 26th day jIfre THOMA3, e7o Albion ohamberB, Bristol, Trustee. -RISTOL GENERAL HOSPITAL, JUNE 28th, 1873. A SPECIAL GENERAL B0AH1 of the Governors of this Institution will be HELD at the HOSPITAL, on WKDNEh'-BAY, the Oth of July, for the purpose of BLttClIJiG a PflVSCIAN, Dr. Martyn's tram of office having expired.

He, however, offers himself for re-slection. r. u. is nmvldnrl that mch Ph'sician, Surgeon, er Physician-Accoucheur, shall be elected for the limited period of ten years, but he Bhall be eligible for re election to supplv any Vacancy occurring in ins aepartmeut. Governors may vote by Proxy upon sending notice to the Secretary of 6uch intention four daya previous to the day oi Election, naming the Governorwho holds the Pfoxy.

The Chair will be taken at Half-past Twelve clock preolsely. Ihn flnmmiltflB. "3 U1 ifirmSWJewi 8716) T.nTlOES'f ERSHIRE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. I SBTINO. TENDERS for the Exclusive SUPPLY of REFRESHMENTS in the Show (on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Viidav.

the 29th, 30th, and 31st July, and August 1st) to be Sent toMr.E. TRINDER. Cirencester, on MONDAY, the 7th July. The contractor will have to pay the expense of erecting booths en the show ground, which will be put up under the direction of tie sscretnry, and in such place as he shall decide, by Measrs. Esssie, of Gloucester, who have the contract for the election of theBheds.

The contractor to state at what price per head he will supply the Society's Dinner, which will be in a large tenton the ground on Wednesday, the 30th i uly. The Society wilt pay for the hire of the tent and for fitting up the same withtables and seats, and trill allow the contractor the use of it afterwards on Thuradav and Friday, the 31st July and 1st August, for the sale of refreshments to the public. ED. TRINDER, Secretory. Cirencester, 2Jth June.

1873. 6695 THE BRISTOL AND WEST OF ENGLAND AUXILIARY PLIMSOLL AND SEAMEN'S FUND, For carrying out tho following objects 1st To ail Mr. Plimsoix, "The Snilore' Friend," in hi3 efforts for the Prevention of Loss of Life at Sea. 3nd. To render such assistance aa will secure the passing of a measure at once through Parliament for the purpose of preventing overloading and the sending of unseawortby vessels to sea.

3rd. To ensure a searching investigation by the Royal Commission, with a view to more permanent and efficient legislation on the subject The Treasurers beg to acknowledge the following Donations Amount collected at Colston-hall ..11 It 1 Messrs. Symes and Co. 10 0 0 Thomas Baker, Esq 6 William Mills Baker, Esq c-. Fry and Sons 6 Mirk Whitwill, Esq.

3 Harry Symes, Esq 2 Lewis Fry, Esq 2 Haycroft and Pethick 2 5 0 0 8 2 2 2 2 ISudeett and Co. 2 Albert Temple, Esq. C. Townsend, sq. Jones and Kev.

C. D. Strong, M.A. O. Wills, Esq C.

Bourne, Esq. C. Bradshaw, Esq. A Friend T. Morgan, Esq.

Leonard Bruton, Alaernon Warren, Esq. H. Inskip, Esq w. Terrell, Bsq W. Clarke, Ksi AFriend K.

W. Bamror TT l.ntvrennfl 2 2 2 2 10 0 10 Farther Donations willbBraceiVBil by Mr. ALBERT TEMPLE, Redland or Canons'-marsh Mr. R. H.

SYMES, Carlton-house, Tyndall's-parh, or Victoria-street Rev. (J. D. STRONG, M.A., Dover-place, Clifton. 0809 207 I UNION Tho nnanlinna invitn TKNBKRS from Parties to Supply 40 Toni of COALS, delivered at the UNION WOKKHuUSB, AXBSIDGE.

Sealed Tenders, (specifying the description of Coals, together with Prices, to be sent to the undersigned, on or before MONDAY, the 7th July next. By Order. WILLIAM TREW, Clerk. AXBRIDGE UNION RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. APPOINTMENT OF MEDICAL OFFICERS OF HEALTH.

NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Rural Sanitary Authority of the Axbridge Union will, at a MEETING to be held at the BOARD-ROOM, at AXBKIDGE, on TUESDAY, the 22ud day of July next, praceed to the appointment of Four Medical Officers of Health for the following districts of the Union Number One District comprises the parishes of Banwell, Blaadon, Caristou, Huttoo, Kowsioke, Locking, Loxton, Puxtou, Uohill, Worle, Wick St. Lawrence, and Weston-super-Mare (rural portion of), with an area of 20.080 acres, and a population of 5600. Number Two DisSrlct comprises the parishes of Blagdon, Bnrriugton, Butcorabe, Churchill, Congresbury, Rowberrow, Shiphain, Winscombo, and Wrington, with BroadSeld, with an area of 21,104 acres, and a popula' ion of 1 30. Number lhree District comprises the parishes of Axbridge, nhnna! Allnrrnn Ohnrterlicmso. Cheddar.

Coinpton Bishop, with Batcombe, Weare, anil Wedmore, with an area of 24,77 acres, and a population of, p.nmnriHs the Tiartflnes of Boufzworth. Bamw. Biddisham. Breau. Hurnham (rural portion of), Enst Brent, Lympsham, Mark4 and South Brent, with an uTea of 23.400 acres, and a population, of 6035.

The Salary will be 50 each Officer, to include all expenses anu disbursem*nts. it The duties will be those contained in the Order of the Local Government Board, dated November 11th, 1872, and to such other orders as that Board may from time to time The appointments will be subject to the approval of the Local Government Board, and in the first Instance will be for two Candidates must be legally-qualided Medical Practitioners, nnriar AtAfilVnl Act. 1M5J. Applications for the appointments, accompanied by Teali-moniah, to bo forwarded to the undersigned, on or before MONDAY, July 21st next. By Order, WILLIAM TREW, Clerk to the Axbridge Union Bural Sanitary Authority.

Dated Axbridge, 24th June, 183. ISSUE of 3018 TEN PER CENT. PREFERRED SHARES of 10 EACH. Being tho balance unissued of the 20,000 Preferred Shares of the CADIZ WATERWORKS COMPANY (LIMITED). Notice Is hereby Riven, that the SUBSCRIPTION LISTS for the above will be CLOSED THIS DAY (SATURDAY), the 2Sth instant, for London, and on MONDAY, the SOth instant, for country Applications.

By Order of the Board, B. G. K1NNBAR, Secretary. 4, Skinner's place, Queen Victoria-street, E.C., London, 28th June, 1873. L8727 OMINION OF CANADA.

CITY OF QUEBEC SIX PER CENT. STERLING CONSOLIDATED FUND LOAN. 1873. ISSUE of 116,000 STERLING BONDS to Bearer of 100 and 500 Each, tn lnllnn. nn fehfl 1 sfc of July.

1893. Interest payable in Gold, in London, at the Banking House of Messrs. Grant Brothers and Half-yearly, on lBt January and 1st July in each year, by Coupons annexed. ISSUE PRICE 102 PER CENT. Messrs.

GRANT BROTHERS as Bankers and Agents Jot the Corporation of the City of Quebec, ore authorised to offer for Public Subscription 118,000 Terminable Debenture Bonds of the Consolidated Fund of the City of Quebec, created In pursuance of the Acts ot Parliament of the Province of Quebec In the Dominion of Canada, 83 Vict, cap. 46, 85 cap. 33, and 36 Vic, cap. 65. This Loan is not subject to deduction or abatement for any Municipal or Colonial duty, or any Canadian tax of any kind whatsoever.

These Bonds are payable to Bearer, and are secured on the General Revenue, and the whole of the Property of the City of Quebec, and are issued for the purpose of extinguishing Debentures maturing. In the last official Btatoraent of accounts, issued by the oity, for the fiacal year ending 30th April, 1872, the total amount of Debentures and Stock issued by the Corporation was 2,460,900 dollars, about 493,000. The revenue ot the Corporation for the fiscal year ending 30th April. 1872, as certified by the City Treasurer, amounted to 323,704 dollars. The of the property in tho City of Quebec liable to be rate 18 16,000,000 dollars, or 3,200,000 sterling.

The price of subscription isl02 per payable as follows: 10 per cent, on Application. 20 on Allotment. 20 25 27 on 1st August, 1873. on 1st September, IS73. en 1st October, ISIS.

103 Payment in anticipation of the instalments may he made in one payment on allotment, under discount, at the rate of 6 per oent per annum. Default in payment of any instalment when due will render all previous payments liable to forfeiture. The Interest on the Bonds will enmmence from 1st July, 1873, and is payable half-yearly, on the let January and 1st July in each year. The principal la payable at par, on the 1st July, a Sinking Fund will be annually set apart by the corporation to redeem the Bonds nt the above date, in pursuanoa of the Act of Parliamont. Both principal and interest are payable In sterling money in London, at the Banking House of Measrs.

Grant Brothers and Scrip certificates to bearer will be Issued against allotment letters and receipts for deposit, and will be exchanged (or the Bonds when aU the payments are completed. Copiasofthe Acts of Parliament of the Province ot Quebec, to the Dominion of Canada, and of the published accounts of the Corporation of the City of Quebec for the year ending 30th April, 1872, mav be inspected at the offices of Messrs. Ashurst, Morris, r. cniuu nA tnwnf. M.O..

London. Applications must 'be made in the annexed form, accompanied oy tne deposit of 10 per cent, on mo Hhm, Kwiiiira the whole sum so paid the surplus will be applied towards the payment of the amount dna r.n .11... In case no allotment is made the deposit Trill be returned lortuwitn without deduction. TAvrmn 1.n AKf olnail nn nnnlication. Thn ha Co.nrIf.1nR of the City Of Quebec are well known the 6 per cent Quebeo Loan issued by Messrs.

Grant Brothers and Co. In 1872 being quoted on the Minnott stoct: Exchange at 103 to 110, or, less coupon io io siui per cent, equal to to ptu ju 4, Lombard-street, B.C., London, 23th June, 1873. DOMINION OF CANADA. OF QUEBEO SIX PER CENT. STERLING CONSOLIDATED FUND LOAN, 1873.

CITY ISSUE OF 115,009 STERLING LOAN IN BONDS OF 100 AND 500. To Messrs. GRANT BROTHERS and 24, Lombard-street, K.O., London. that Jn wiU altot to me of the above Loan, Mr5 1 enclose therequired deposit of 10per or mVu accept the said Bsnds.orany lessaroennt you fSJSrfi to make the remaining payments thereon, in "owroance vrtth the Prosneotos Issued by you. dated 26th June.

Sc. Late in the evening he attended grand reception, given by Lady Granville at the Foreign Office. On Wednesday his Majesty took a trip on the Thames to Greenwich, and is eaid to have been realty astonished by the countless vessels through which he passed. In the evening ho attended State Ball. On Thursday the Shalt left London for Liverpool, where he was enthusiastically received and yesterday, after spending the night at Trentham, his Majesty pyoceeded to Crewe and Manchester.

The Shah lias presented the Duke of Cambridge with a sword, the hilt of which is encrusted with valuable diamonds. The Queen has ordered a steam frigate now buildiug at Portsmouth to be called after his Majesty, who has expressed much gratincation at the compliment, as well as at the reception he has met with in this country. The festivities consequent on the "Persian invasion1 all but suspended business in Parliament for two or three evenings. On Monday the Commons disposed of tne remainder oi cne Army isstimates, amidst the usual growls or the colonels at tho parsimony and mismanagement of the Government, One grievance, put forward by Lord Eustace Cecil, may be taken as a samplo of these criticisms. His lordship complained that the aristocratic (and very insubordinate) youths who are being educated at Sandhurst College are subjected to various "petty vexations and annoyances," especially noting that they are not allowed to have soda-water and brandy at breakfast." On Tuesday the Canada Loan Guarantee Bill was read a second time by a majority of 117 to.

15. On Wednesday the landlord elemontin the House succeeded in throwiugout the Bill for abolishing the Scotch law of Hypothec bva large majority. Tho Rating Bill was got through Committee on Thursday, not, however, without another fight over the question of rating game. On the same evening the Zanzibar Mail Contract was referred to a select committee, after tho defeat of another characteristic dodge" on the part of the Opposition. The Lords lay on their oars until Thursday, when they suddenly woke up and smashed two Bills in their fine old style.

The first of these, the Public Worship Facilities Bill, was supported by the Primate, who incidentally observed that he had no objection to the laity having a voice in the appointment of the clergy. Lord Shaftesbury, however, raised the cry of Church in danger," and the measure was rejected. The Bill for amalgamating the Parliamentary and Municipal Registers seems to have alarmed the Opposition, and a large body of Tory peers trooped up for its destruction, which was, of course, speedily accomplished. Through Mr. Gladstone's instrumentality, a pension of 300 has been conferred upon Dr.

Livingstono in recognition of his distinguished services. A very strong feeling iB being aroused all over the country in reference to the Education Act Amendment Bill. Apart from the protests of the Nonconformists and the Education League on the well-known grounds, many boards of guardians view Mr. Forster's proposal with serious alarm, and unite in declaring that it will largely increase pauperism, by bringing into contact with the relieving officers an enormous class of poor persons who, at present, avoid becoming paupers, mainly because of the social degradation attached to the name. The guardians of Manchester, Coventry, Wolverhampton, Gloucester, West Browwich, Burs-Iem, aud other districts are taking action to oppose the Bill, and their example is likely to be extensively followed.

The Joint Committee of tho Lords and Commons appointed to consider the various railvvny amalgamation schemes now before Parliament have followed up their rejection of the Bill for amalgamating the North-Western and Yorkshiroand Lancashire systems by disapproving of the measure promoted by the Midland Company for absorbing the Glasgowand South-Western lines. Edward O1 Kelly, a reputed Fenian, was on Tuesday put on his trial at Dublin, for the third time, on the charge of shooting, with intent to murder, a man who had been employed as cashier in the Irishman newspaper office. The jury, less perverse than at the previous trials, convicted the prisoner, who was caught red-handed, and he was sentenced to penal servitude for life. BATH ELECTION. Although the issue of yesterday's contest will doubtless be disappointing to our readers, and to Liberals generally, who looked for better things from so intelligent a constituency, the poll indicates a satisfactory improvement in the state of public feeling as compared with six weeks ago.

At the election in May Lord Chelsea had 2251 supporters. Yesterday Lord Grey de Wilton could muster only 2194 a falling off of 57. Mr. Murch, on tho other hand, polled only 1991, while the friends of Capt. Hayter rose to 2143 an increase of 152.

Thus the Conservative majority has rapidly sunk from SCO to 51, and indeed, if we take into account the 13 votes thrown away on Mr. Cox, it can only be reckoned at 38. But for the unhappy escapade of the latter gentleman, who did not leave Bath till he had caused sores needing mueh time to heal, there can be no question that Captain Hayter would have routed his opponent, his inferior position in the return being being clearly duo to the refusal of many sulky Liberals to vote. In 1S68 the late Sir William Tite polled 2473 nearly 300 above Lord Grey de Wilton's numbers, and affording ample proof of what the Liberals of Bath can achieve when they are united. For the present, however, they have chosen to virtually disfranchise themselves by rendering the represen-: tation of the city a political nullity.

They Beem to havo wanted a lesson on the consequences of crotcheti-ness and disunion and they have got it. We have no apprehension that they will fail to take it to heart. THE BRISTOL ENDOWED SCHOOLS. Some weeks ago we urged upon the Charity Trustees of this city the desirability of bringing their controversy with the Endowed Sehool Commissioners to a close but although there were, at the moment, hopeful symptoms of activity on the part of the local body, the dawdling and procrastinating habits so characteristic of Bristolian institutions appear to have soon recovered their ascendancy, and we cannot find that any real progress has been made in a matter so important to tne citizens. Disdained by those from whom better things might have been, we will not say expected but hoped for, it is consolatory to know that our advice has been taken by a body which presumably looks to quite other sources for such suggestions and assistance as can be offered by the press.

The highly Conservative Society of Merchant Venturers have not only repudiated the policy of blind and unreasoning resistance recommended bv our Tory contemporaries with shouts of "spoliation," but have wisely availed themselves of the temporary embarrassment of the Commissioners to make a favour able bargain for themselves and the result is the definitive settlement of the scheme for the Colston Schools. The arrangement is on the whole satisfactory. The Merchant venturers nave relmquisned their present right of nominating the Colston boys and the Endowed School Commissioners have abandoned their wish to turn an institution intended solely for the poorer classes into a gigantic boarding school for to a considerable extent the children of persons in easy circ*mstances. The bchool is to be a Church ot England school, in accordance with the undoubted intentions of its founder, and the scholars, who are to be provided with board, lodging, and education, but not apparency wiui ciuuuiig, are ijo ue eiecLbu uu uub ground of merit, a preference being given to fatherless children and orphans. Eighty lads are to be taken from the primary schools of Bristol, and twenty from those of Gloucester and Somerset and, if the Hospital buildings and the funds admit of a larger number, other boys are to be admissible on paying the cost price of clothing and maintenance only.

The proposal of the Commissioners in reference to a day school for girls has been accepted by the local Governors, on condition that the companion plan lor a day scnool lor boys snouitt De given up. The girls' school, which is to be as large as the funds will allow, is to be built on some convenient site in Bristol probably in St. Mary Redcliff parish, and the fees are to be fixed as low as possible consistently with the superior education that will be afforded. This also will be a Church sehool, but Nonconformists will be admitted and protected by the conscience clause. Aa regards the Trade School, which the Merchant Venturers with commendable liberality have consented to absorb into the Colston trusts at the request of the Commissioners, it is to be expanded to such extent as the funds at the command of the Governors will permit, and no efforts will doubtless be wanting to raise its already high character as a scientific institution for the working and lower middle classes.

Finally, in consideration of the various concessions of the Endowed Schools Commissioners, the Merchant Venturers agree to abandon their mortgage debt on Colston's Hospital, to release this unsecured debt owing to them from the charity, and to pay over snch further sum as will make up a total contribution by them of 10, 000 -an amount sufficient, it is believed, to build the girls' school and to place the Trade School on a footing of thorough efficiency. Such is the end of a controversy which has been persistently carried onfor nearly three years and whatever opinions may be entertained of some of the proceedings of the Commissioners, there can be no question as to the beneficial results which have attended their interference. The crude andsweening innovations which formed such striking features of the original scheme of 170 have totally disappeared, to tho satisfaction ol all save a few crotchety theorisers. But the principles which guided the Legislature in passing the Endowed Schools Act nave been practically maintained, and the reforms cannot fail to have a most important effect on the education of young Bristolians for all time to come. The system ot nomination by personal favour, with the various abuses and evils that necessarily clung to it, is now swept away, and the prize of free education in the Palace at Stapleton will in luture Be neia out no those only who deserve favour by their own exertions in the primary schools, as tnere wiu oe exniDiiious the Hospital itself fordeservingbovsdesirous of pursuing fchflir studios in some nlace of hieher instruction, the much-talked-of "ladder of learning" reaching from tho lowest stratum of society to the Universities will soon be in actual operation there will be a clear road open to talent and every triumph thus gained by humble merit will inspire fresh ardour and enthusisam in those of the same class whose race remains to be run.

The benefits that Colston's great charity have hitherto conferred upon the city have necessarily been confined to a comparatively small numDer oi persons, anu nauaouuu always the most deserving. In future the Hospital will, directly or indirectly, have an invigorating influence on all the thousands of boys to whom its prizes will be open, as none but the deserving can hope to earn its rewards. For this reform, so incalculable in ndvantnres. the citv is indebted to the much- abused Commissioners, and the fact ought to shame those who sought to maintain an old-established but defective system by howling against Liberal "confiscation and robbery." It ought to be added that the Merchant Venturers have refused throughout to turn the controversy into a auestion of nartv. astoartndvisprH have often counselled them and that they have fought tor wnai tney aeemea mieir just privileges Wltn iemark-ablo sagacity, tact, and munificence.

They will have a rich reward in superintending the reorganised institutions and in watching their useful and beneficent effects. 1 Is it too m'doh. to hope that the Charity Trustees will condescend to ha guided by the example of a Society which, however wofully narrow in certain points of view, yet administers its affairs with nn umall wisdom and skill? For once Conservatism cannot be blamed for unwillingness to yield to the inevitable force of circttm- staaces. The Merchant Venturers saw what they could and what thev conW. not defend, and they prudently gave rjp what was indefensible order I to keep what remained.

Uannot tho unanty xrusweB, bo long overborn foy a rauwrit oi tha body, 1 a JL hand, single. xa, Mona-itreet, Liverpool. Bii A 8 HOUSEK PPE ft ami GoveneBBin aFchool or Family, ia. Address Post-ofiice, Brtilah, Knighton. BARMAID, exoerienced.

or AfisiBtanb in nnv liuttc liuHt- k. Fryer's, Uaion-pasaage, Hath 4 AFIDEXHR. Understands glass generally, kitchen and tiower gardening. margaret s.piace, vvaicos irarnue, Bath. A experienced, trustworthy Man wants Situation ACETIC ACID DISTILLER.

"David," Post-office "onty- pnua. GOVERNESS requires a SITUATION. Teaches Enliab, French, and MusicAddress Mario, Post-office, Clevaton, SomerEst. 082 ''SSTOUffG Person as LADY'S MAID, or as Young Lady's Maid Tt 1 Good references. A Post office, Uininster sfcTfTVTKI? Wnnfflfl.

hv a rBBnpntnble Younff Man. itua- tion as COMPOSITOR. Newa or Jobbing. Good r(e- ronces. Address Weekly Sews Office, Orewkeme.

27d3 A Young I.ndy accustomed to children is anxious to procure a Situation as NURSERY GOVERNESS, la uompf.tent to teach Enelish and Music. Po8t-ouicB, Warminster. Good references given 12719 A COACHMAN, or Groom and Coachman, In th neighbour- hood of Bristol A good hunter. Age 2o. JIarrtau no family, Good character.

-Address Coachman, Sibson, near Atherstone, Leicestershire. 0M6 ANTED immediately, a Re-engagement a Second Hand or Assistant DresKniaker; can out. and fit, if required Good reference. AddrPBS, stating saliuy, Boot and frhoo Wnre-houBB, Sherborne, Dorset T67B2 TO Grocers and Provision Merchants. Wanted, by the Advertiser, a Situation as ASSISTANT in the above, with a view to Partnership.

Capital about 600 Apply by letter to C. WilliamB, Walnut-house, St. Androw's-roiwl, Moutpeller, Bristol. (-707 TO BROKERS and OTHERS. A.

Gentleman of practical ability and flrs'-rato education offers his services as CLE UK in an office. No salary will be expected for some month-', as an introduction to commercial life is sought Age so. Tne highest references can be given. Address Tbern, Pour-office, Both. 2016 4 Lady offers thorough Instruction, without her board or ,1 residence, in ungiim, French, Italian, German, the Latin Accidence.

Music, and thorough Bass, to a family resident in Clifton, Cheltenham, or the neighbourhood. References. to personal friends. Salary from i to 80. Address (merely to appoint an interview) Post-offioo, Bath.

0791 "iOE SALE, ACRE of VETCHES. Wm. Sperrin, Back well. 0329 B71UR BALK, a JOtfES MACHINE; price 0 10s. rtnp'y 1 7, Regitia-ploce, Stapleton-road.

p691 FOR RALE, good MOW -SPIKES; alo, a few Kingscott, Marsh-common, New I'nsBaae. 0701 IDER. For SALE, about 1000 Gallons of Prime C'DER. Apply-to Mr. Samuel Gill, Westwlck, Worle.

730 PORTABLE ENGINES, in good order, cheap; 6to9h.n-Flelding and Piatt, Engineers, Gloucester. 2705 FOR SALE, cheap, a Four-horse BREAK, nearly Cooper and Dwelly, Coach Ilminster. -Apply 0601 STiOR SALE, handsome Day COB, about 13-2, five years old. quiet to ride aDd itnve. Golden Lion, Horfleld.

0871 nn a.YTO Hff 1 Trpnivr nl.t.,l and Flttlnr8. oomDlete bareain. Wine-street TBS 6 PORT PIPEi, HOGSHEADS, and PUNCHEONS 400aUARTER-CASKS-atRawllngs's, 2, Marsh-street, Bristol. 8808 ROUND-RENT. To be SOLD, a well-secured FREEHOLD 7 TT GROUND-KENT of 17 per annum.

Apply, 96, Kfacntt- Btreet. 1849 FREE BEERHOUSE, Berkeley Castle, top of Stoke'f-crof capital and improving situation; lease. Bridae-street. 6645 TO he SOLD. HOUSE and GAltriGN, jiloasantly situated, Blagdon, near Bristol well supplied with water.

Joseph Foar, Blagdon. iWl PONY COB for SALIC; fast, good mnnnored, and handsomp. Apply ot Mr. Hunt's Stables, Berkeley-equate; or to Mr. Desprez, t'ark-street.

L6S2 GENTLEMAN removing desires to Sell, t'heap, sundry FURNITURE, GASELIERS, GAS-FIRE complete. Alex, Bristol Mercury-office. I67S1 TmRKWRRS' HARKS fr 40 Kilderkins, and a few BD Hossheads and Barrels. Apply E. Poad, Robin Hood HOC 6840 1 avern, Oxford-street, Totterdown.

FOR SALE, a good Egg-end Seam BOILER, 18 feet long 4 deep, in good condition a bargain. Apply Lord Rnglan Inn, Nag's Head-hill, St. Georira's, Bristol. 86 5 TO be SOLD, good BASKET CARRIAGE, for horse about 15 hands, carrying four. Apply to Coachman, 14, "i'ork-orescent StableB, before 12 o'clock.

TO be SOLD, at cost, a PLANT and STOCK and large Manufacturing PREMtSKSto LET in centre of Bristol, For particulars address Bristol Mercury-office. 6798 FOR SALE, Three Landau Flys, light Crank Cart, Hansom Cab, with number new Gig, and several vets second-hand Harness. Apply at William Summerloy's, Saddler, Thonra-street, BristoL 0839 TFTIOR SALE, Strong Self-acting LATHE, 12in. Centrss, Bed inft. lone, three Face-Dlates.

Back Stay. Change Wheels for Screw-cutting, overhead motion complete, good condition. O. Venton, Engineer, Bradford. Wilts.

f2512 IjllVE TON PLEASURE YACHT TYPHIS," 81 Foet Beam, fi Rooniy Cabin and co*ckpit vary safe and fast undnr canvas, Iron Ballast, and good Outfit, to be SOLD a bargain. Apply John H. Willmett, Newport, Mon. f2S83 FOR SALE, Blue, Red, and Brown BRICKS, TILES, QUARRIES, PAVINGS, COPINGS, and CRESTINGS. Pattern Sheets and Price Lists on application to F.

W. Barrow'B Blue Brickworks, Graat-bridgo, Tipton, Staffordshire 7831 1138 ii raTAR RANTED to loofc'and wear just like Gold," A VV bBautifully-fluished Snake or Fancy Pattern ALBERT CHAIN, post-free, SO stamps; Ladies' CHAINS, 42 stamps. Gutumcher, Manufacturer, Warstone-lane, Birminisham. N.B. These goods aie genuine, and may be relied npon.

6S94 FOR SALE, by PRIVATE CONTRACT, aGeneral HAULING RUSINESS, well established, comprising Three Horses, Seven Putt and Rave Carts, Trolley, Stablo FittingB, House, Yard, and Water-side Premises. For particulars, apply, Henry Prince Fowler, Auctioneer and Commission Agent, All Saints-ooui't, High-street, Bristol. iffl3t First-class DRAPERY and FUNERAL BUSINESS at Banwell, Somerset, to be DISPOSED OF on the 25th of March next successfully carried- on for the last twenty-four years bv William Cortleld, who is now retiring from the business. For particulars apply Cortleld, Banwell; or to Ridlor, Ooulman, and Wine-street, Bristol. 3535 IO BUTCHERS, To be DISPOSED OF, in Plymouth, aflrst-olnsa old-established Family Business, with Slaughter house, Stabling, and large Yard, Payments upwards of 250 per week.

Satisfactory reasons for relinquishing the business can be obtained on application to Messrs. Bouser and Sons, Metropolitan aiarKOt, wr, nai. jumn-y uutua, (jjuiuu.u. (OR SALE, a capital BLAST ENGINE, 20-horse power, condensing beam. 4ft.

stroke, with blast cylinder complete. Also, iv good CorniBh TUBE BOILER, 21 feet long by 0 feet diameter. Will worlt high pressure. May be inspected on application to W. Pannell, East Harntree Lead Works, near Bristol and offers will be received by Mr.

W. H. Bumpus, 41, Thread-needle-street, London, K.C. 6731 WATCHM AKERS AND WELLERS. For DISPOSAL, nn liir.rnt.ivA.

and increasing BUSINESS, with a select connexion, in stealthy, fashionable, and flourishing town, South. Good premises, in best position, and in perfect order on lease at low rent. Stock, all choice aud modern, about 2500 may be reduced. Principals or their Solicitors, by letter only." Chronos," Bristol Mercury-office. 6394 TO CONFECTIONERS AND OTHERS.

The LEASE of the arst-clasB PREMISES, No. 10, ST. AUUUSTINE'S- PARADE, to be Disposed Of. A Cook and Confectionery Rusiness has been carried on upon the same by Miss" Bayston and her successors during the last fifty years. Extensive alterations have been made by the present occupier.

Apply to Mr. Charles Ware, Puduc Accountant ana xrumoe, wm-ti, Bristol. '2m TO BAKERS, GROCERS, AND oe JJi.v POSED OF, with early nosseBoion, an old-established Rfisfwifss In thn ahnvs branches. In one of the principal thoroughfares in the capital market and afa port town of Bridgwater. The baking business averages from eight to nine Backs nor want Thn nronritf.rir will raoutrethat the business premises be purchased at a fair price.

Ill health is the sole cause for disposing of the concern. For all further particulars apnly to Mr. Lilly, Surveyor and General Agent, urwigwater. imsi FARMHOUSE APARTMENTS to to Rose, PoBt-offlce, Wellington, -For particulars ZOIC fcNE or two Gentlemen, dining in city, can be accommodated 9 with comfortable LODGINGS. 14, King-squaTe.

Terms moderate. 070 TO LET, a SITTING-ROOM and two BEDROOMS, Furnished, half a mtlo from the Revem. Stable If required, and attendance if required. Apply Post-office, Olveston, near Almondsbury K.S.O., Gloucestershire. izfu-s TOST, on Wednesday last, a NEWFOUNDLAND PUP, with a Btar on bis breast, answerine to the name of Lion last Dn nun.

-R-annuhnm Alon a T.linr find White SPANIlCL. the yard of the Goorge and Hallway Hotel, Temple-gate. Bristol. appiy to oar. appieton, ueorge ana jvmiwuy Bristol.

1063 notltrn. sunnnsad to hnvfl ntraved. on the Farm of Mrs. i Ronhq rSnralbnm. VaHnn HORSE.

The owner Can have same by paying expenses. Apply William Gage, Ktnaatone aojmour, near latr.on. STONKir. William Perry Ohillcott, Albion-chambers, lends a at 6 per cent isasy repaying, oecuray uuujawruu. mm discounted.

ti(a IEVERAL TRUST SUMS ready to be Advanced on approved to Solicitors, Box 201, Post-office, Bristol. 2514 9 securities, at 4 ana 6 nercenc. lor terms ot jrnwip.v T.W.NT nritnniir. dnlnv. from 2 unwards.

No dednc- I Hon. Easy payments. Distance immaterial. For formB and particulars apply to D. M.

Whittard, top ot bmau-street- court, Bristol. Note the address. 2261 ONEY 10 to 600. -A retired Merchant will AhsiST Vnnn(? VpirannR in start Business or in Diffi culty, ana win Advance uma on tneirown oecumj. wmt Btampeei envelope.

jt, uma-ruuu, ouomom. BSTABLI8HED 1852. RISTOL WEST OF ENGLAND LOAN DISCOUNT OFFICE, 18, JiKlDUB-Si'ltK-ffiX, isiuaxuij. Mrnm Anvivnim on DannRtta of anvktnd. oranDroved Per sonal Security, at half the usual rate of interest of other offices.

2326 6B IjHiVYia aommun, mumtftpr. ITONEY. A Gentleman with spare Capital wishes to employ lyJL the same in masing immediate advances irom to now, to respectable persons on their own Notes of Hand, Bills of Sale, KiwAroinnn. nrYlfe Policies, at 6 ner cent, interest. Fanners, Tradesmen, or persons abont to take a business will do well to send a Btampea aireotea envelope to iir.

mumas nrnuugaw, 1. fliuitlB.terrtioe. Hounslow. Middlesex. N.B.

Small interest, dispatch, and secrecy will be strictly maintained. T4420 8217 ONEY. 10 to 300. A bona fide boon to the public, on a new and imnroved svstem. whereby all respectable persons can have immediate cash accommodation, either on note of hand alone or bv the denosit of deeds, leaies.

or life nollcios (free from law costs), without applying to loan offices or professed liberal financial agents. Bank rate of interest no criterion. The rate here charged 1b, and will be until otherwise publicly announced, 6 per cent, No office fees are extorted. Apply to Mr. Joseph Buer, Hlgn-Btreet, ttingston-on-Thames, aurrey.

iziv zm ONEY. A Private Gentleman, with suroius capital, is dest jjX rous of making immediate advances to persons requiring the same, in Town or Country, In sumB from 10 to 600, on note ol nana, wo law costs, lermo irom per cuuc, baiouwhp three months to five years. Mortgages negotintea at leas lnwresc ninfnnn nn nlnflrtfc. nn nersonR can renav by P.O.O. or cheque.

By applying personally, from ten till four, or if by letter, enclosing a stamped-directed envelope, Btating amount required, to Mr. Bradbury, 161, Wolworth-road, London, particulars will be aent ny return oi post n.o. Offices. Secrecy with despatch. l8 OUR FUTURE.

7 yearB.O atampB UfeUme, 12 love charm, 16. State age. Methratton. 8, jpost-omce, uaveniry, iisio w-srvn TTTir. onnD httfberino HUMAN Gnntlnmnn hrvvinr.

cii-ori Hmself of Deafness and Folyims, accompanied with Nervous Debility and Indigestion, after suffering many years, will forward the particulars for the cure on receipt ot a stampaa envelope, propeny j. 3, rarK-terraee, Menvitree. ttdtttrb! 1 nnpuTA ivairBB' Tndta-rnhber TRUSSES, jrf, recommended by the leaduip. SurgBons. Every description oTTruBB adapted to the most difficult case; Abdominal Bandages.

Elastic Stookings. The new light Spine Supports made withont steeL Patients waited upon at their own residence. Terms upee application. -Pearct and Peter-street, 20S2 6074 NEWS OF THE WEEK. The TJettv malice with, which French politioiana in office delight in exasperating those opposed to them has never been exhibited with greater indecency than by the men at present in power.

Tho Conservative Prefect of the Rhone is especially worthy of. the Government of combat" which lately appointed him. This functionary has issued a proclamation ordaining that in future the funerals persons buried without religious ceremonies at Lyons shall only take place at Bix in the morning during the summer months, and at seven a.m. in winter, it being further ordained that such funeral processions shall pass through the nar rowest and lca3t frequented thoroughfares This brutal attempt to insult the dead might have been regarded as the spiteful eccentricity of a new "Jack in office," but for the action of the Conservatives in the National Assembly, who have since resolved that no free-thinking Radical deputy shall he honoured at his interment by the presence of the customary deputation from his colleagues or by the conventional military escort and a case of this kind has already occurred. This incident, coupled with the Lyons decree, caused an excited debate in tne Assembly on Tuesday, but; tne majority, by 423 votes against 174, declared that liberty of conscience had not been violated, and adopted the motives" of the Government.

A Legislature which deals with its enemies in this way is on a highly dangerous road. An Italian paper states tnai; iviarsnai mcivianon nas sent a letter to the Pope praying for his blessing, and assuring the Pontiff of the unalterable devotion of lt'ranco to the Holy See, Pius IX. immediately sent to MoMahon and the whole ministry his apostolic blessing by telegraph." The ex-Queen Isabella of Spain has been to Rome, and is said to have been intriguing at the Vati- canforheriortner crown, Tmsreportissomewhatcorrobo- rated by a remark made on Saturday by'the Pope to a deputation, to the effect that he hoped the Queen would soon bring tho sufferiugs of her country to an end. Isabella, who was present, is saia to nave wept profusely. She has, however, many foes in the Papal Court, where the Carlists meet with strong sympathy.

Financial difficulties have again led to a Ministerial crisis at Rome. All the Ministers resigned on Thursday, in consequence of an adverse vote in the Chamber of Deputies on the previous day. The King accepted the resignations, but requested the Cabinet to remain in office until further arrangements were made. Another Ministerial crisis lias occurred, at Madrid. After the Cortes had made various modifications in the Government, each of which was abortive through internals dissensions, Senor Pi Margall was empowered on Saturday to select a Cabinet for himself and all his colleagues at once resigned in order, it was said, to facilitate the work.

Tho Premier, however, metwith unexpected difficulties, and up to Thursday the Government had not been reconstituted. Several serious engagements with the Carlists are reported, with varying results, but on the whole the Legitimists awiear to have suffered most. To set against the many murders of their officers perpetrated by the Republican troops we now learn cnac two oi cue uarusc nanus nave assassinated their leaders. At Barcelona on Sunday some drunken soldiers attacked and wounded several peaceful persons in the streets, and when the ruffians were arrested their comrades were with difficulty restrained from using firearms for their rescue. Another conflict between the inhabitants and the troops took place on Tuesday.

Street fighting has also occurred at Malaga and Seville. The Government has suppressed the Spanish Embassy at the Vatican, in consequence of the adoption of the disestablishment principle by the people. The Prussian Government have announced that, in consequence of the refusal of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Paderbora to allow any interference with his college, no one educated in that seminary will be eligible for the Catholic priesthood in Prussia. The Archbishop ot Posen and the Bishops of Fulda and Treves have followed the example of the Uishop of Paderborn as regards the colleges under their control. Prince Bis- mark has now resoivea on an onensive step in anotper direction, and has disgusted the Prussian Protectionists by promoting a Bill for abolishing the heavy customs duties on foreign iron.

The measure has been recommended to the Reichstag by the Government and approved, on the ground that the prohibitory burthens on English iron are seriously increasing the cost of German railways, extensions or wmcn are greatly neeciea. German Parliament was prorogued on Wednesday by Prince Bismark, the Emperor being still too ill to be present. The rumours of the Prince's retirement from the Prussian ministry are again revived, and the official press admits that "great want of harmony prevails in the highest political regionB. The elections in Alsace and Lorraine have terminated in the general defeat of the German party. Iu Strasburg the pro-French candidates were elected by a majority of more than two to one, while at Metz the Germans did not venture to take the field at alL The Prussian Ministerial organs, however, regard these results as "not unfavourable." Although we are still without official news of the fall of Khiva, no doubt is felt in Russia that the expedition has before nowattained itsonds, General Kaufmannheine within three days' march of the city at the date of the latest advices (June 2), and the Khivese having fled before him in all directions.

One detachment of the troops has had to return to Russian territory in a state of utter exhaustion. Sixty men had died from sunstroke, and the rest were so ill that they only escaped Irom tne desert by throwing away their arms, Reports of an outbreak of cholera reach us simul taneously from both east and west. Oases have occurred atjRustclmk, in Wallachia on the Vistula, in Poland and in the province of Treviso, in Italy. At Nashville, a smalltown in Tennessee, United States, therehavebeen as many as 75 deaths in one day, and though the malady is now said to be declining in that district it has spread into Kentucky. President Grant has had an attack of the malady, hut is recovering.

Extensive forest fires have again occurred in Michigan, In a little town near Lake Superior 200 houses have been destroyed and eight lives lost. Fires are also retiorted from Canada and New Brunswick. A brief telegram from the Calcutta correspondent of the announces that the Chinese expedition against the Panthays has been completely successful, and that Momein has fallen. An attempt was recently made to murder Mr. Ugilvie, Assistant commissioner at AttocK, but the intended victim escaped with a slignt wound and two out of his three assailantB were killed.

The Shah of Persia continues to engross the attention of the Londoners, and if the Eastern potentate is not by this time exhausted with tne labours of sight-seeing hia nnnstifcution must be very different from that ot ordinary mortals. On Saturday he inspected Woolwich Arsenal, witnessed, a review of artillery, and paid a State visit to the Opera. On Sunday ho was at the and scent some hours in insnectina the various collections. On Monday he set off for Portsmouth, and was present at a grand review ot the fleet off Spithead. On Tuesday there was a review of several thousand troops in the Great Park at Windsor, nrevious to attending which the Shah held a reception at Buokingham Palace, when he received a crowd oi.

deputations from corporations, Chambora of CwaimoiKe, Pursuant to the Act of Parliament 22nd and 23rd Victoria, chapter 35, intituled "An Act to further Amend the Law of Property and to Relieve Notion is hereby given that aU Creditors and other persenB having any claims or demands against the Estate of CHARLES WILLIAM BRITT (commonly called William Britt), formerly of 6, Armada-place, Thomas-street, Steke'B-crot t. Bristol, and of 7, Coburg-place, Thomas-street, Weymeuth, Doraet, andalse of 10, Peter-street, BriatoJ, and late of Grove-house, Belle-vue, Ashley-road, Bristol, Watchmaker and Jeweller, who died intestate on the 2 nd of February, 1873, and Letters of Administration of whose Estate were granted by her Majesty's Court of Probate, at Bristol, on the 24th of April, 1878, to CbarleB Britt, of 20, Horfleld-road, Bristol, Hairdresser, are hereby required, on or before the 10th of August, 1878, to send to the said Administrator, or to tho undersigned, his Solicitor, their Christian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if nl i held by them. And after the expiration ol the time afore-oH the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assste of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having SlJrimlv to the claims and demands of which such Adminis-tXr shall then have had notice and he will not be answerable ifcToootB nn distributed to any person of whose claim or JPnfl hi TshaU not have had notice at the time of such -Dated thel8th day ef June, 1878. dUtrlbntioiL-leatDe gL Jonn.atreet BrlatoJ) 8736 fjoUcitortothOBaldAdiBirifatretex. i 8 TDGINOS may be obtained by servants ot geou.

uuanw-ffiFta-An'D Mis8 Woollon, Mtoon and Name at full lengths Addresa Date entq.

The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post, Western Countries and South Wales Advertiser from Bristol, Bristol, England (2024)
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