Village West Veterinary (2024)


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Itis common knowledge that most domestic animals need vaccination and timely prophylactic screenings for their own good. One oflocations inChicago that specialize inarranging the pet care isVillage West Veterinary. Veterinarians atthis place are ready toevaluate your pet’s physical state, come upwith ascheme oftreatment orsimply provide recommendations for strengthening the health ofyourpet. You may also ask the doctor about pet edibles, shampoos ortraining methods. This place offers vaccination, surgery, ultrasound examination, blood tests, and radiography.

Village West Veterinary has auser rating of5. You can read reviews tofind out what others think about itand leave your own thoughts.

Village West Veterinary islocated atthe following address: Chicago, IL60622, 840NWesternAve. You can make acall tothis facility bydialing (773) 697—7052. For extra information, there isan official

manicure for animals
Mobile veterinary services
at-home animal euthanasia, house call veterinarian
pet supply
Veterinary clinics
animal welfare organization, pet clubs
Animal diagnosis
veterinary labs, Animal X-ray, Animal ultrasound, CT for animals
treatment for snakes
Pet clubs
dog kennel
Veterinary labs
tests for infectious diseases in animals
Veterinary surgery
tail cropping, anal gland removal
Wholesale distributor
veterinary medicines
Additional pet services
ritual services for animals
Animal training
dog training
Pet vaccinations
pet rabies vaccination
Tests for infectious diseases in animals
panleukopenia test
Veterinary clinic
animal diagnosis, pet euthanasia, pet vaccinations, animal shots, herpetology, weighing animals, veterinary surgery, animal hospital, veterinary dentistry, veterinary ophthalmology, treatment for livestock, anesthesia for animals, veterinary therapy, ornithologist consultation, treatment for rodents, veterinary orthopedics, Infectious disease hospital for animals, veterinary nutritionist, veterinary traumatology, flea treatment, pet ambulance services, obtaining a veterinary passport
Veterinary medicine
veterinary drugstores, Mobile veterinary services, zoopsychologist, veterinary clinic

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Chicago, IL 60622, 840 N Western Ave

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California (Green Line)1 mi

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Division1.2 mi

to metro stationCalifornia (Green Line) — 1 mi

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Prices Village West Veterinary


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Adult & Puppy Wellness Preventative Health Exam

Often times, pet owners think that the only times to bring their pet in for an exam is for a first visit...

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Reviews about Village West Veterinary


/ 73 reviews and241 ratings

Rating is formed based on customer reviews, ratings and telephone surveys.

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  • T G.

    October 13, 2021, 5:25 pm

    This office has the most frustrating scheduling system that Istill don't understand. Instead ofhaving away toschedule atime afew days inthe future for avet visit, they ask you tocall the morning ofto see ifthey have any cancellations? They seemed irritated and confused that Iam out-of-town and can't come inat amoment's notice. Ineed toschedule anappointment afew days inthe future that works with mytravel and work schedule. You know— the definition ofan appointment. Aweek of phonetag, confusion, and honestly pretty rude staff and Istill don't have avet appointment. Atthis point it's sincerely easier for meto find anew vet sothat's what Idid– show



    • Company's official reply

      October 13, 2021, 6:34 pm

      We're very sorry wewere unable tofind atime that works with your schedule. Atthis point, our caseload issuch that our appointment schedule isbooked out for the next 6—8weeks. Weare doing our best toaccommodate asmany appointments aspossible. Ifwe have last minute cancellations orthe doctor isable torearrange their schedule tosee more appointments, wereach out toclients who have called for appointments tolet them know about our limited availability. Ifyou are not availableat those times, wealso offer the option tocall usfirst thing inthe morning ona day you will beavailable tosee ifwe can accommodate asame-day appointment. Wealso try tooffer fit-in and drop-off appointments when available. Weare using this multi-faceted approach inan effort tokeep upwith our appointment requests without compromising our quality ofcare. Iwould like todiscuss your experience more indepth soplease reach out toour office at(773)697—7052. Thank you very much. -Amin, Practice Manager– show



    • d c.

      October 1, 2021, 4:42 pm

      Very friendly and helpful doctors and staff. Mydog has adifficult todiagnose disease and they put inthe time and effort tofigure out what was wrong. Been coming here for years.

      Word tothe wise, book early. Since the pandemic ithas gotten harder toget anappointment. Seems like everybody got apet inthe last year.



      • Company's official reply

        October 2, 2021, 12:19 am

        Thank you somuch for the review,Mr. Krause! Weare sohonored you have chosen usto care for your valuable and irreplaceable companion.



      • Christopher S.

        September 29, 2021, 10:54 pm

        Worst service ever! They refused service toa sickdog. Not cool!



        • Company's official reply

          October 2, 2021, 12:19 am

          I'm sorry tohear you were not satisfied with your experience reaching out toour hospital. Wedo our best toaccommodate asmany patients aswe possibly can ina given day despite our immense caseload. However, wenever wish tocompromise our quality ofcare for our patients. Ifwe feel weare not able toprovide the utmost care ina timely manner that our clientele expect due toan overfull appointment schedule, wemay regretfully need tooffer alternatives inthe form ofreferrals tolocalemergency hospitals. Wewish you all the best inthe future.– show



        • Kenneth M.

          September 18, 2021, 12:34 am

          Once you get anappointment and meet the doctor it’s agood experience. But that’s the thing, it’s nearly impossible tosee adoctor especially ifthere isan emergency. They make ityour problem when they don’t have availability where YOU need tocall everyday tocheck availability. You think they would follow upbut they don’t. Again nothing against the doctors here but the customer service isgarbage.



          • Company's official reply

            September 20, 2021, 4:55 am

            Many apologies you’ve felt thisway. Our schedule fills upregularly, but wedo our best tofit insame-day, short-notice, and emergency appointments. Unfortunately, weget many calls each day and can’t accommodate everyone. While wedo try tokeep track ofwho needs their pet tobe seen and for what type ofhealth concern, wealso ask that pet owners check back with usfor any change inour schedule orchange intheir pet’s condition. Wetruly value each and every client andpet, and wedo ourabsolute best tobe there for everyone inneed.– show



          • Karen M.

            September 9, 2021, 10:44 pm

            9/9/2021— Igave areview back in2017ofFIVE stars. Since then, the entire front office and support staff has turned over. Irecently left this practice and decided totake mypets elsewhere toreceive better care. The level ofservice, competency and professionalism byvarious people inthe office, aswell asthe effort tocommunicate, ability toask clarifying questions and respect for clients’ time has pushed meover mylimit.

            2017— Ihave been taking mypets toseeDr. Silverman for 3o

            r 4yearsnow. He's socompassionate, detailed, caring— and just overall agreat person and doctor. Ihad toput myelderly dog tosleep, and Iwas aball ofemotions and sadness over the realization that mydog wasn't living agood-quality life and that itwas time tolet himgo. Heand his staff were very thoughtful and tried tomake avery, very hard experience asgood asit couldbe. ItrustDr. Silverman whole heartedly and appreciate that heanswers questions timely, discusses all ofthe options for care, when issues arise, and clearly informs meon the pros and cons ofeach option.– show



            • Company's official reply

              September 16, 2021, 11:14 pm

              Karen, wealways aim todeliver agreat experience and weare sorry tohear that you were disappointed with our hospital. Our doctors and staff are making every effort tobe ascommunicative aspossible within areasonable time frame despite animmense caseload but ifwe missed the mark inthat regard, weare truly sorry. Ifyou wish toreach out toour office at(773) 697—7052, Iwould like todiscuss this with you further. Wewish you all the best inthe future. -Amin, Practice Manager



            • Mibo W.

              September 4, 2021, 2:08 am

              Whoever the the male front desk person iswho takes phone calls isterribly rude and unprofessional. Wanna know the best way todrive away clients? Hiring people likehim.



              • Company's official reply

                September 16, 2021, 10:42 pm

                Thank you for posting areview and we’re sorry tohear that your experience was not upto standards. Wewould like the opportunity totalk and investigate your feedback further. Please call our office at(773) 697—7052. -Amin, Practice Manager



              • Bryan D.

                September 3, 2021, 8:35 pm

                Honestly I'm not sure why I've gone solong without leaving areview for Village WestVet. They've been myvet for my3cats for the past 5years and have been nothing short offantastic.

                The staff are all extremely friendly and helpful and well informed. BothDr. Miller andDr. Silverman have been apleasure towork with.

                For the most part I've only seen them for routine check ups and the like, but recently have had toget more involved for one ofmy cats, and they have been great support thr

                ough itall.

                Without adoubt I'll continue tohave mycats cared for here, they really are great.

                – show



                • Company's official reply

                  September 7, 2021, 3:07 pm

                  Bryan, weso much appreciate your kind words about our clinic and vets! Weappreciate you and the trust you have put inus tocare for your cats. Wewill continue tobe here for all ofyou whenever you needus.



                • Kavi W.

                  July 21, 2021, 7:10 pm

                  I trust these lovely folx.Dr. Bruce has spent way too much ofhis own time just toreassure meabout the safety ofprocedures there, and Felicia went out ofher way totalk medown from ananxiety attack about pet care. I'd recommend this office toanyone



                  • Company's official reply

                    July 25, 2021, 1:11 am

                    Kavi, thank you for your 5stars and kind feedback! Weknow that pet parents take the health and care oftheir furry kids very seriously, and wealways want you tofeel comfortable knowing that wetake their health very seriously,too!



                  • Jonathan C.

                    June 11, 2021, 1:56 am

                    Dr Silverman isa very thorough vet with excellent communication skills.



                    • Company's official reply

                      June 16, 2021, 9:33 pm

                      Thank you for the 5stars, Jonathan!Dr. Silverman takes great pride inproviding top-notch care toall ofhis furry patients.



                    • Judy J.

                      June 8, 2021, 2:07 am

                      They might be5stars but because ofCovid-19weare not allowed inexam room withpet. Iwas super worried and because this was are first time visiting, I'm not 100percent sure ifmy cat got all the shots. His nails was cut beautifully though. Staff was super nice. Once weare able tosee the place Iwill beable togive acomplete evaluation.



                      • Company's official reply

                        June 10, 2021, 3:50 pm

                        Judy, wecertainly understand your frustration ofnot being allowed inthe exam room, but weare doing our best with COVID toprotect both our clients and staff. Rest assured that our staff took great care ofyour cat and made sure hewas comfortable throughout his visit. Welook forward tothe future when wecan once again invite our pet owners into the exam room with them.



                      • grace c.

                        April 6, 2021, 5:10 pm

                        Dr Silverman isthe best! Easy tomake anappointment, staff isextremely responsive. They always take great care ofmy cat and they’re atop notch animal hospital. Pricing isextremely reasonable aswell. Won’t goanywhere else.

                        UPDATED REVIEW:
                        My cat ate aforeign body,Dr. Silverman saw her immediately and took care ofher. Heis kind and compassionate, and anextremely knowledgablevet. Icredit him for saving her life. Wouldn't trust anyone else.



                        • Company's official reply

                          June 1, 2020, 6:57 pm

                          Thank you for the wonderful review, Grace! Weappreciate you trusting uswith the care ofyour furry family member.



                        • Ashley M.

                          March 31, 2021, 1:24 am

                          Awesome peopleThis isby far the best vetrinary center and the best vet DrBruce Silverman inthe city ofChicago. Irecieved aseverely disabled cat last October for cacc. Hehad hind leg paralysis and couldn't empty his bladder onhis owalong with this becausehe was astray could notuse.his back legs his privatearea.was abig bloody mess.. Sohe required expression toempty his bladder. Itook this cat to3different vets that got nowhere withhim. Itook him toDr.Silverman and hedid asurgery todebriddall.the dead tissue around his private area. This was less than aweek ago and heis functioning normally. Healso began laser for his paralysis. Today was his 3rd laser and hecan already kick and move his back legs aswell aswalk orrun ashort distance. Iwill never beable totha kDr Bruce Silverman enough.– show



                          • Ashley B.

                            March 27, 2021, 6:15 pm

                            Dr Bruce Silverman isa awesome veterinarian. Mycat Casper had seen 3specialists and had stem cell therapy and several other treatments that never worked. Healso had severe damage tohis private area from being astray with paralyzed hind legs hedrunk his self over dirt rocks glass everything else tearing his private area toa unrecognizable state ihad been trying toheal for 5months under vet treatment none worked DrSilverman rushed him inon extremely short notice and repaired the areato function. best vet ever will never goanywhere else– show



                            • Company's official reply

                              March 29, 2021, 7:30 pm

                              Ashley, thank you somuch for allowing usto care for Casper! Your poor boy has already been through somuch, and wewere happy totake care ofhim. Please let usknow how Casper isdoing and ifthere isever anything else wecan doto helphim.



                            • Johnny C.

                              March 18, 2021, 8:41 pm

                              Village West Veterinary isgreat.Dr. Miller isso thorough and isgreat atexplaining everything ina way that wecan understand. Wefeel very comfortable bringing our cats toher and the Village West team. Every visit sofar has been nothing but positive, and wewill continue tobring our pets here aslong aswe are inthe area!



                              • Company's official reply

                                March 18, 2021, 11:38 pm

                                Thank you somuch for taking the time towrite such athoughtful review, Johnny! Weagree thatDr. Miller isfantastic both ather ability topractice medicine aswell askeeping all ofour clients fully informed about the health and well-being oftheir furry companions. Welook forward toyour next visit!



                              • Andrii G.

                                March 2, 2021, 6:09 pm

                                I highly recommend tochoose adifferent hospital… unless you have unlimited amount ofmoney and you don’t care ifyour pat istaken care ofby profession.



                                • Company's official reply

                                  March 18, 2021, 11:20 pm

                                  I'm sosorry you were disappointed with your visit toVillage West Veterinary. Iwould very much like todiscover what took place atyour visit toleave you sodisappointed. Please reach out tome at773-697-7052todiscuss this further. Thankyou.— Amin, Practice Manager



                                • Beth M.

                                  February 20, 2021, 10:06 pm

                                  A little pricey but very professional and took mycat inquicker than others when she needed togoin.



                                  • Ananya S.

                                    February 12, 2021, 8:12 pm

                                    I have only ever had positive experiences atVillage West. The staff isgreat. Mypets seeDr. Silverman and Ialways appreciate that Ican get all myquestions answered. Even after something routine like shots, Ican expect acall from the office tocheck upon how mypets are doing. Great care and service for the price.



                                    • Company's official reply

                                      February 12, 2021, 10:09 pm

                                      Ananya, thank you somuch for your review! Wetake the health ofall pets very seriously and always like tofollow upwith their owners tomake sure they are continuing todo well once they leave our office. Thank you for allowing usto care for your pets!



                                    • ashley g.

                                      February 3, 2021, 1:50 am

                                      I've been bringing myolder cat toVillage West for almost 2yearsnow.Dr. Silverman and his team are reliable, helpful, and compassionate. Ialways know mycat isin great hands ifsomething comes uphealth-wise, and Ineed tobring herin. When Ifirst brought her toVW, they were able toidentify why she was having health problems, and provided aclear solution.Dr. Silverman iscaring and provides somuch detail tohelp meunderstand how tohelp. Iwould recommend this team toanyone who wants their fur babies tohave incredible care!– show



                                      • Company's official reply

                                        February 8, 2021, 5:50 am

                                        Ashley, thank you for your wonderful review ofVillage West Veterinary!Dr. Silverman and all ofour staff care very deeply for all animals and their humans. Welook forward tocontinuing toprovide your cat with the best care and making sure you stay informed every step oftheway!



                                      • Sam H.

                                        January 30, 2021, 11:59 pm

                                        Always compassionate care. The vets really spend time talking toyou about your pets and show adeep passion for what theydo.



                                        • Company's official reply

                                          February 3, 2021, 4:47 pm

                                          Sam, thank you for your kind review. Itis important tous that wenot only give your pets the best care possible, but that you are kept inthe loop and informed about your pets' health. Thank you for allowing usto care for your furry family member!



                                        • Jenny R.

                                          January 21, 2021, 6:23 pm

                                          My two senior cats just came toVillage West for annual checkups.Dr. Silverman was very communicative about their health and they treated them with care. They really put meat ease seeing asthose they're older cats and they have some preexisting health issues. I'm very thankful tofor the caring staff and doctors for treating mybabies with such care.



                                          • Company's official reply

                                            January 25, 2021, 5:15 pm

                                            Jenny, thank you somuch for your review ofVillage West Veterinary. Weunderstand the extra care that older animals can require and that itcan bestressful ontheir owners, and weappreciate you entrusting uswith the care ofyour cats. Wewill continue tobe here tocare for your cats whenever you needus.



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                                          Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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                                          Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.